The women of Revelation 12 in the Heavens whos ready to give birth then in 23rd sept 2017... become pregnant with the man child 9 months earlier around 17th December 2016.
The sign of the man child is the King planet Jupiter please watch the something will happen then with the women (Jews/Israel/Temple mount)
The Sky Live
The Women Virgo is ready to give birth to the King.
At some point Seal One will be opened and the False Christ which the bible says sits on a White (False Peace) horse and has a Bow. An he comes out Conquering and to conquer.
My Observation is that the Sun will move through the Star sign Sagittarius between 18th December 2016 - 20th Jan 20th 2017. The star sign IS a Horse, a rider with a BOW..!!
Could it be that this is the time that the Antichrist will be given the Crown
Daniel says AFTER 2300 days then the sanctuary will be cleaned. meaning for 2300 days (6 years & 3.5 months approx) the temple mount will be defiled in Gods eyes.
During my research i found that
- 9 months pregnancy
+ satan tries to stop the first and the second coming for 2 years and under.
+ 3.5 years the women which was Mary in the First coming and in the Second coming will be the Jews back in Israel will have to flee from the serpent (Obama) into a the wilderness for 1260 days (3.5 years) then when the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet and all their armies are defeated at the battle at Armageddon so to like the First coming Jesus and the Women his bride shall return to Israel and rule the world.
Iceland has raised its aviation alert up a notch after several earthquakes hit one of the country's biggest volcanoes .
The tremors at the Katla volcano were the strongest since a string of quakes last month raised concerns over a possible eruption.
The alert only moved to the second lowest level of the four colour scale, but in 2010, ash from an eruption of the nearby Eyjafjallajokull volcano resulted in a major part of Europe's airspace having to close for several days.
The Icelandic Met Office said two quakes had shaken the Katla volcano in southern Iceland and that "an intense seismic swarm" had been experienced since Thursday morning.
Read more -
The Wind map is showing a Powerful Low pressure system developing in the Pacific Ocean.
Its set to strengthen and hurl Northwards very quickly. Wind Gust in excess of 60mph are expected from the storm which will hit the South Western portion of Japan on Monday the 3rd October.
This is just an Early Heads up. Be safe eveyone. God Bless you all.
"A rescue team has been sent to Mount Rinjani to evacuate the tourists. They set off on Wednesday morning," he said.
Hikers have been told to keep at least 3 kilometres from the smouldering volcano, a key attraction on the multi-day trek to the summit of Mount Rinjani made by thousands of tourists every year.
Nugroho said 389 hikers were recorded as having entered the national park since Sunday, the overwhelming majority of them foreigners.
While most would have taken the official route to the summit, rescue teams suspected some hikers may have gone off-piste, Nugroho added.
The threat level of the volcano was upgraded Tuesday as Barujari sent plumes of smoke and hot ash into the atmosphere, but remains two steps from the highest-risk category.
There were no flight disturbances recorded on Wednesday due to the ash clouds, transport ministry spokesman Hemi Pramuraharjo told AFP.
Some flights to and from the nearby resort island of Bali were cancelled overnight, but Lombok's international airport remains unaffected.
Flight disruptions due to drifting ash clouds are not uncommon in Indonesia, which sits on a belt of seismic activity known as the Pacific Ring of Fire and is home to 130 active volcanoes.
An eruption at Mount Rinjani last month forced the closure of Lombok airport and disrupted some flights to neighbouring Bali.
From this Graph we can see the last 2 weeks have seen a Great Increase in the amount of more dangerous Earthquakes. Starting at the beginning of April they have ramped up.
This is the Projection Graph, mapping out when Earthquakes will be greater through 2016 by taking each time a Planet lines up with Earth and the Sun.
Blue = Projected number.... Red = Actual number.
If we look at the last 2 entries in Red. The actual number of Earthquake is much greater than what is expected.
In few weeks though on the Blue line you can see that i expect there will be a medium Increase. This is caused by Mercury planet passing between Earth and the Sun. This is marked by the label Mercury on the Graph.
Mercury will pass direct in between Earth and the Sun around May 9th. around this point will be an increased energy transfer to Earth. This should result in even more more Earthquakes
This Graph shows the Monthly Average for the last 22 months. Makes it easy to see a long time trend. One of the weakest months for Earthquakes in the last 12 months was March 2016. But the Earthquakes have really shot back up this month April.
This Graph shows Total amount of Earthquakes per week. This is any Earthquake of any Magnitude.
This Graph shows "Red Alert" (dangerous to Humans or Structures) Red = In the Last 30 day period (most accurate Gage)
Blue = In the Last 7 Day period. Good for short analysis.
Thanks for reading. God Bless you Please share. And keep watching the sign as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ comes closer each week.
A Renault Twingo and two small trees have disappeared into a huge sinkhole in the central square of Afragola, a town near Naples.
Nobody was hurt in the incident, which happened in the early hours of Monday morning.
The opening of the chasm, which was seven metres long, seven metres wide and seven metres deep, damaged underground pipes and cut off the water supply to some local residents.
The First of the Earthquake Tremor hits at the Snowdonia Mountain range. I actually live on the rim of this mountain range.
Quake was close to the Aernig Fawr Volcanic Known area. Volcano classed as Extinct.
The Second Earthquake Tremor in Scotland area. The Scottish mountains and also across the way in Ireland are also marked as Extinct Volcanoes.
Here is the Extinct Volcanoes known to the "Experts"..
Just a Heads up. Usually Earthquakes around Volcanoes signals activity. My view is we have had little activity so this is not a cause for concern right now.
Yes its very true the Government have tunnelled into the rocks of the mountains and created these huge cities basically for them to flee to during God exacting his judgement on the Earth. Many of these facilities are in the North America. A lot all of the facilities all join together. They are connected to airports (denver) and often are right next torail tracks and have car parks full of buses to pick up the chosen few who will hide underground during Gods Thronepassing over.
It has been reported by many through the Images generated by specific folding of the Dollar Bill. This will show what appears to be a Dam breaking and gushing water.
There has been what seems like perfect symbol of the Hoover Dam symbolised in the Madonna performance. As the Elite Government like to show you in the media what their plans are and/or what events will happen in the future.
And now we have another strong message from the Satanists in their movie "San Andreas" The movie like many others show some part of what will happen during the Throne of God passing over. Here is a note, all these movies always show one or two true events, but they never give you the full story. And they definitely do not tell you the realreason.
At the beginning of the movie one of the first events is an increase in the Electromagnetic pulse through the earth. This is what causes earthquakes. In the movie the dam gets hits by a Earthquake which cracks the dam causing it to collapse..
My question is.. Is all this Hoover dam symbolism an accident?? Is it just a coincidence that it is shown to break in the movie as the first event that takes place during this cataclysm. The Illuminati believe that they are above human beings in knowledge. While Humans may think these things are an accident i believe these specific events are like a guide by guide for the Illuminati member just in plain sight.
My Thoughts
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but i truly believe this is a marker. For them it will be "when you see the dam break, pack your bags we will be picking you up shortly to go underground"
We wont know until it happens., but let them go underground to save their mortal lives. If we repent of our sins we will pass through to eternal life and glorified body, so it does not matter what happens to our mortal body.
Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.
Also during this earthquake as God`s Thronepassing over (First Time) there is an event where a Great multitude of living people are caught up to the Throne of God.. Then comes the second big earthquake when God has finished.. rolls on to the Trumpet judgement etc..
So doesnt matter what happenswe win if we repent of our sins and believe that Jesus is Messiah..
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