Wednesday 29 November 2017


Tomorrow will be the last day of my seasonal work Contract.
It was very good of the management to extend our work for so long.
My experience was very good and my fitness has increase so much.. walking 10-15 miles a day and lifting 5-9 tonnes a day will effect.

I hope to come back to this job in Next Season... If we make it that far.

God Bless all the crew, they are all Good lads that work there now.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

North Korea fires ballistic missile towards Japan in latest act of aggression

North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile that flew higher than any of its previous efforts, shattering a respite from military tests and reminding the world of its ability to launch missiles capable of landing far from the Korean peninsula.
The Pentagon said it believed the projectile was an intercontinental ballistic missile that travelled roughly 1,000 km eastward before plunging into the Sea of Japan. Japanese broadcaster NHK reported that the missile remained airborne for 50 minutes and likely landed in the waters of the country's exclusive economic zone, citing the country's defense ministry. 
The latest act of North Korean aggression demonstrated military advances that have expanded the range of the country’s ballistic missiles and imperil more than just the country’s close neighbours. The projectile soared higher than any previous North Korean launch, Defense Secretary James Mattis said, warning that North Korea now “can threaten everywhere in the world, basically”.


The State of Israel is returning to the hall in Flushing Meadows, New York, where the crucial vote to establish a Jewish state was held on November 29th, 1947.

Israel’s Mission to the United Nations is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the historic United Nations vote on Resolution 181 that called for the establishment of a Jewish state. The event is taking place at the Queens Museum that served as UN headquarters in 1947.

A very biblical Number

Most well know is Daniels 70 weeks prophecy which actually also relates to the City of Jerusalem. 

Daniel 9:24

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

Daniel 9:25
Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

7 weeks plus threescore (60) and two weeks = 69 weeks.

69 weeks of years 69 x 7 = 483 years.

483 years ago from present day. was the time that Suleiman the magnificent a muslim, came to Jerusalem which was a ruined, unwanted mess.
He then went to work rebuilding the Jerusalem wall which still stands to this day. He also started to rebuild the city and that also still stands to this day.

this means 69 out of the 70 weeks of years have now passes. 

we are now in the time where the 70th week, which is the last 7 years is about to begin. 

Daniel also prophesied that an agreement with many would be made for one week (of years)
Daniel 9:27
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week.

So when you see an agreement with many (nations) this will be the prophecy fulfilled and the last 7 years. 

Although Jesus did say the days will be shortened. 

Daniel 9:27

and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease

The second part of the prophecy confirms that Gods temple will be rebuilt again as among the 7 year agreement the Daily sacrifice, the burnt offering is taken away. This is the offering made on the Altar in the temple of God. 

This event will actually be the true gauge until the end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ..
Daniel 12 confirms this and then gives us a time frame until the end.
Daniel 12:11-12

And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

We are also still in what appears to be the Jubilee year. A 50 year cycle

The Year the family of the Antichrist Britain gave the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine. 

+50 years

6 day war and the Jewish people take Jerusalem city

+50 years

we come to our present year. Now could any change of power happen? who knows? but history doesn't lie and it doesnt take a genius to work the numbers.
All eyes always on Israel. And if Israel can be in a war and win in 6 days anything can be possible in 30 days.
All events are in Gods time, im just sharing the facts, please make your opinions.

God bless 

Sunday 26 November 2017

MANHATTAN: Massive Sinkhole Opens Up On Upper West Side

A broken water pipe caused a large sinkhole to open on an Upper West Side street early Monday.
The gaping crevice materialized in the middle of W. 82nd St. near Central Park West, about a block from the American Museum of Natural History.
“That's crazy, it's like a (meteorite) hit," said Sonny Miller, 53, of Bensonhurst, who works in the area.
“I can't believe it just caved in like that. Look at the ground, it's totally sunk. Pretty wild.

'Rome collapses' Massive 5-metre sinkhole opens up in middle of Italian city street

A MASSIVE sinkhole has opened up in the middle of a busy street in the Italian city of Rome.

The huge crater, five metres deep and three metres in diameter, appeared on Wednesday morning in the Montagnola district. 
Enzo Foschi was one of the first politicians to post a picture on social media, saying: “Luckily at that moment no one was crossing the street and no one got hurt.
“Rome collapses and mayor Raggi says everything is all right."
There was no immediate reports of injuries after the giant sinkhole opened up, according to local reports. 

Bali volcano shuts down flights, sends residents scurrying to safety

Volcanic eruptions on the Indonesian resort island of Bali have prompted officials to cancel flights and move about 24,000 residents out of the way as a thick ash cloud from Mount Agung, thousands of meters high, drifts east and southeast along the archipelago.
Residents were evacuated from 224 points around the island while Lombok International Airport on Pulau Lombok, the island due east of Bali, has closed temporarily, said Ari Ahsan, spokesman for Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali.
    At Ngurah Rai, Bali's main airport, flight cancellations stranded roughly 7,000 domestic and international passengers, according to the airport's latest report.
    Indonesia's Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation raised its aviation notice from an orange alert to a red one Sunday.
    Read more -

    Wednesday 22 November 2017

    This huge crack has appeared in a stunning West Wales coast path

    'It looked like the whole cliff was about to go in'

    The area has been been closed by Ceredigion County Council and a diversion has been put in place.
    Ceredigion councillor Paul Hinge said: “A big thank you to Eifion Jones and Nigel Nicholas for promptly closing down this section of the costal path whilst they investigate and draw up plans for either repair or re-direction of the path.”


    The fireball which lit up Japanese night skies was probably a fragment of an meteorite that burnt up on contact with the Earth's atmosphere

    Weather cameras and mobile phones captured the moment when a fireball lit up the night skies across Japan.
    Witnesses report seeing a soundless bright light falling, like a shooting star, illuminating the sky for a few seconds with a greenish glow.

    Massive sinkhole opens up in the middle of a Brazilian farming town

    Watch your step! An enormous sinkhole has opened up in the tiny municipality of Coromandel, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As Forbes reports, the 65-foot hole appeared overnight in the thick of a local soybean farm swallowing up earth, crops, and putting some 28,000 residents on alert. While some in the area had suspected a meteor was to blame for the cavernous hollow, geologists from the Federal University of Uberlândia have confirmed the sinkhole was in fact caused by the disintegration of the town’s underlying limestone bedrock.

    Tuesday 14 November 2017


    Earthquake were at the highest on my record on New Year 2016-17.

    And for no good reason. ie No Planets lining up caused this like they used to do throughout most of my earlier record keeping.

    Earthquakes from the very highest time (New Year) to the present day. As we can see the great drop down from 24 (red alert earthquakes in the last 30 days)
    And really the numbers have not increased anywhere close to that level.

    We know from Seal Six in Revelation 6 that when Gods Throne (Nibiru) hits earth theres is Great worldwide earthquake

    So us keeping watch as and WHEN the Earthquakes rise and fall is so much of a Great advantage to us. Because the whole earth will shake and quake in the presence of our God and his Lamb.

    God Bless

    Wednesday 1 November 2017

    SEAL FOUR: RUSSIA Successfully test MISSILE Capable of Hitting U.S . 2017

    Russia carried out a successful test of its Satan 2 nuclear missile on Thursday night, the country’s defense ministry said.
    The rocket, also known as RS-28 Sarmat, was fired from the Plestek Cosmodrome and travelled 3,600 miles before hitting a target on the Kura test range.
    Three submarines capable of carrying nuclear warheads also carried out successful ballistic missile tests, while three bombers hit ground targets with cruise missiles.

    North Korea and Russia are big allies. Russia demonstrates this by wiping off 90% of North Korea debt. If Russia is provoked or dragged into a war, North Korea could be given the ability to launch a strike on to U.S mainland.

    As Ancient Israel Fallen away from believing and Fearing God and keeping his commandments. So to America has become identical to Ancient Israel. In face its scary how Isaiah 9 has repeated itself,

    Prophecy already fulfilled

    Isaiah 9:10-11
    The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. (911 attack and events that followed)
    Therefore the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him,(Army from North Korea) and join his enemies together (Help from Russia and China)

    Prophecy yet to be fulfilled

    Isaiah 9:12 
    The Syrians before, and the Philistines behind; and they shall devour Israel (America) with open mouth. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.


    The take down of the fourth part of the Earth by the rider on the Pail Horse. This Revelation came to me over 4 years ago and Only Now is the Threat from Kim Jun Un recognise to the public and also the World Government. Kim just so happens to personally own a Pail Horse, but he has taken up the role as the one to bring down North America.

    Seal Four - Kim Jun Un on Pail Horse Taking down of The Fourth Part of the Earth - North America

    North America was the fourth colony of the Roman Empire. They had found and controlled Europe, Asia and Africa.
    When America was "taken over" this made it then the Fourth part of the Earth.


    Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.
    Pray to God that you are forgiven of your sins. Prayer that you be counted worthy to escape this world and escape the end times when Gods Throne (Nibiru) passes by Earth when the Messiah Jesus opens the Sixth Seal in the Heavenly Throne.

    Be counted worthy that you escape this world and the last Seven Years of tribulation, for Jesus says it will be the worse time that ever was and ever shall be.

    God Bless you all Amen.

    SEAL FOUR: RUSSIA Successfully test MISSILE Capable of Hitting U.S launc...

    Russia carried out a successful test of its Satan 2 nuclear missile on Thursday night, the country’s defense ministry said.
    The rocket, also known as RS-28 Sarmat, was fired from the Plestek Cosmodrome and travelled 3,600 miles before hitting a target on the Kura test range.
    Three submarines capable of carrying nuclear warheads also carried out successful ballistic missile tests, while three bombers hit ground targets with cruise missiles.

    North Korea and Russia are big allies. Russia demonstrates this by wiping off 90% of North Korea debt. If Russia is provoked or dragged into a war, North Korea could be given the ability to launch a strike on to U.S mainland.

    As Ancient Israel Fallen away from believing and Fearing God and keeping his commandments. So to America has become identical to Ancient Israel. In face its scary how Isaiah 9 has repeated itself,

    Prophecy already fulfilled

    Isaiah 9:10-11
    The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. (911 attack and events that followed)
    Therefore the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him,(Army from North Korea) and join his enemies together (Help from Russia and China)

    Prophecy yet to be fulfilled

    Isaiah 9:12 
    The Syrians before, and the Philistines behind; and they shall devour Israel (America) with open mouth. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.


    The take down of the fourth part of the Earth by the rider on the Pail Horse. This Revelation came to me over 4 years ago and Only Now is the Threat from Kim Jun Un recognise to the public and also the World Government. Kim just so happens to personally own a Pail Horse, but he has taken up the role as the one to bring down North America.

    Seal Four - Kim Jun Un on Pail Horse Taking down of The Fourth Part of the Earth - North America

    North America was the fourth colony of the Roman Empire. They had found and controlled Europe, Asia and Africa.
    When America was "taken over" this made it then the Fourth part of the Earth.


    Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.
    Pray to God that you are forgiven of your sins. Prayer that you be counted worthy to escape this world and escape the end times when Gods Throne (Nibiru) passes by Earth when the Messiah Jesus opens the Sixth Seal in the Heavenly Throne.

    Be counted worthy that you escape this world and the last Seven Years of tribulation, for Jesus says it will be the worse time that ever was and ever shall be.

    God Bless you all Amen.

    SEAL FOUR: RUSSIA Successfully test MISSILE Capable of Hitting U.S launc...

    Russia carried out a successful test of its Satan 2 nuclear missile on Thursday night, the country’s defense ministry said.
    The rocket, also known as RS-28 Sarmat, was fired from the Plestek Cosmodrome and travelled 3,600 miles before hitting a target on the Kura test range.
    Three submarines capable of carrying nuclear warheads also carried out successful ballistic missile tests, while three bombers hit ground targets with cruise missiles.

    North Korea and Russia are big allies. Russia demonstrates this by wiping off 90% of North Korea debt. If Russia is provoked or dragged into a war, North Korea could be given the ability to launch a strike on to U.S mainland.

    As Ancient Israel Fallen away from believing and Fearing God and keeping his commandments. So to America has become identical to Ancient Israel. In face its scary how Isaiah 9 has repeated itself,

    Prophecy already fulfilled
    Isaiah 9:10-11
    The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. (911 attack and events that followed)
    Therefore the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him,(Army from North Korea) and join his enemies together (Help from Russia and China)

    Prophecy yet to be fulfilled
    Isaiah 9:12 
    The Syrians before, and the Philistines behind; and they shall devour Israel (America) with open mouth. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.


    The take down of the fourth part of the Earth by the rider on the Pail Horse. This Revelation came to me over 4 years ago and Only Now is the Threat from Kim Jun Un recognise to the public and also the World Government. Kim just so happens to personally own a Pail Horse, but he has taken up the role as the one to bring down North America.

    Seal Four - Kim Jun Un on Pail Horse Taking down of The Fourth Part of the Earth - North America

    North America was the fourth colony of the Roman Empire. They had found and controlled Europe, Asia and Africa.
    When America was "taken over" this made it then the Fourth part of the Earth.


    Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.
    Pray to God that you are forgiven of your sins. Prayer that you be counted worthy to escape this world and escape the end times when Gods Throne (Nibiru) passes by Earth when the Messiah Jesus opens the Sixth Seal in the Heavenly Throne.

    Be counted worthy that you escape this world and the last Seven Years of tribulation, for Jesus says it will be the worse time that ever was and ever shall be.

    God Bless you all Amen.

    MY Covenant with GOD. JESUS takes INHERITANCE, INDIA/PAKISTAN Mission, WILLIAM V CROWNED as KING. Antichrist.

      I made a covenant with God. When the Inheritance is passed to Jesus (Revelation 5) and the Antichrist William was still not ready t...