Wednesday 26 December 2018

2,000-year-old Ring Found in Pilgrim's Road to Temple Mount

Ring seems to have been found in ritual bath, either slipped off somebody's finger or was forgotten, archaeologists excavating the City of David suggest

It's annoying to lose your precious baubles in a public pool and probably was just as irksome 2,000 years ago too, when a ring seems to have slipped off the finger of an unwary bather in a mikveh. Or maybe it was taken off for the purposes of the ritual purifying bath, and was forgotten there.

It was announced Sunday that the corroded ring, with a blueish stone, was found by Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists who were digging along the stone-paved stepped street, aka the pilgrim's road. By the standards of today's hands, the ring would probably have fit the average pinkie.

The corroded artifact was found in what seems to be the remains of a mikveh, said the archaeologists Nachshon Zenton, Moran Hajabi, Ari Levy and Dr. Joe Uziel. Ancient Jerusalem sported hundreds of ritual baths, not only for locals but to serve pilgrims en route to the Temple.

Thursday 20 December 2018


The big "Red Alert" Earthquake in Russia district was so big it sent shock waves through the seas / seabed. This has cause 5 sea Buoys in the North Pacific to trigger into Alarm mode. 

VIDEO: Mount Etna eruption sends lava spewing and huge column of gas into night sky

The volcano in Sicily erupted in the early hours of Wednesday when its Southeast, Bocca Nuova and Cratere di Nordest craters began to boil over

Mount Etna has erupted sending a huge column of gas into the night sky.
The volcano, in Sicily, was pictured spewing lava in the small hours of Wednesday.
Mesmerising images show molten rock trickling down the slopes of the mountain - western Europe's highest active volcano.
Explosive activity continues at the eastern vent of the Southeast Crater.
The nearby craters of the Bocca Nuova and Cratere di Nordest are also active, according to Reuters news agency.
This eruption seems to be small but there have been dangerous blasts in recent years - in March 2017 ten people were injured including a BBC camera crew when spewing lava exploded on impact with snow.

Trump orders rapid withdrawal from Syria in apparent reversal

President Donald Trump has ordered staff to execute the "full" and "rapid" withdrawal of US military from Syria, declaring that the US has defeated ISIS.
"We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency," Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. Planning for the pullout is already underway, a US defense official and an administration official told CNN.
The decision, a sharp reversal from previously stated US policy, surprised foreign allies and lawmakers, sparking rebukes, rebuttals and warnings of intensified congressional oversight, even as the White House said troops are already on their way home.
    "I'm pretty annoyed," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and Trump ally, who told CNN's Manu Raju the President's decision was "Obama-like" -- a reference to President Barack Obama's decision to pull troops out of Iraq in 2011, which critics say gave rise to ISIS. Graham said the role of Congress is "to make administrations explain their policy, not in a tweet, but before Congress answering questions."

    Wednesday 19 December 2018


    Last Year at New Years Eve night while most were partying and being merry, the spirit of God came on me and gave me a task. The task would be to seek out all the churches of the World and make a note of a way to communicate with them (email)

    The scripture of Revelation 1-3 talks about Jesus sending a letter to the 7 churches which remained in the world..
    Now in this day of age we have many claiming to be churches in the world in many, many more countries of the world.. But the scripture of Matthew 24:14 came into my spirit 

    "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" ~ Jesus

    In my spirit i felt that this will also be done in modern time
    Difference being this day of age we dont use Mail letters but Email (electronic mail). Also there are a lot more people on the earth roughly 7 billion more.

    1 year of constant work research all Churches from across the world. In depth i researched every church in every country in the world using Facebook as a search tool. 
    Not only that but i also searched out churches in every individual state in America. We have noted Email Addresses for the churches and from the people that are willing to share their Email Address for reason of better communication.

    The Number of contacts has just breached over 24 Thousand now we are complete. 24 being a very biblical number also. In the end time scripture it says there are 24 elders sat around the throne of God. 

    Revelation 4:4
    And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

    Now we are ready to spread the word when the First event of the End of the Age does begin. 

    Matthew 24:14 (kjv)
    "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in ALL THE WORLD for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and THEN shall the END COME" ~ Jesus

    If anyone also wants to provide their email for us to put into out contact list then please contact us.. As when the End of the Age events begin, some may not even understand what has just happened. 

    - Also we will be sending links to all other events that will follow in the End times. 
    - Also all recipients of this Email will also receive My completed Illustration Book for FREE. This can not be sent via messenger or Facebook.

    God Bless you all and we prayer
    "Come Lord Jesus, the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen"
    Rev 22:21

    Tuesday 18 December 2018

    U.N. Condemns North Korea's 'Widespread' Human Rights Violations

    TIME: The U.N. General Assembly on Monday condemned North Korea’s “systematic, widespread and gross violations of human rights” and its diversion of resources into pursing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles over the welfare of its people.

    It noted “with concern” that over 10 million North Koreans are estimated to be undernourished and that there is “an unacceptably high prevalence of chronic and acute malnutrition” in the reclusive northeast Asian nation.

    The resolution, sponsored by Japan and the European Union, was adopted by consensus, though countries including Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela disassociated themselves from it. Many expressed opposition to assembly resolutions singling out specific countries and said the Geneva-based Human Rights Council should deal with rights issues.

    North Korea’s U.N. ambassador, Kim Song, said his country “categorically rejects” the resolution, calling it “a product of (a) political plot and hostile forces.”

    He accused Japan of “provoking confrontation” with North Korea “by going back against the main trend in (the) Korean peninsula” when delicate political negotiations are underway.

    Since North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reached out to South Korea and the United States early this year, the two Korean leaders have met several times and Kim held a historic summit with President Donald Trump — with another one expected in the new year. But there has been no significant progress on Kim’s commitment to nuclear disarmament, and as a result no lifting of U.N. or U.S. sanctions against North Korea.

    Thursday 6 December 2018

    Testimony of Heaven Oden Hetrick Heaven is Truly Real, Heaven Vision

    You really have to see this Video.. This man is taken to Heavenly Kingdom many times by Angels. 
    So much information and all lines up with scripture.. and some great Extra revelation..
    - The Glorified / spirit body, robes.
    - Layout of Holy place, outer courts, suberbs, City, 12 gates, hallways, tree of life, river of life, Eastern Gate, 
    - speed of thought movment, transportation, Chariots, Twlighlight no night
    - mansion, banquet room, Jesus comes to ever dinner for everyone, the food in heaven replemishes, Angel makes the Musics, 
    - met Jesus, learnt the true Gods Love, Wanting to be with his Bride,  rewards in Heaven, not jewels but...
    - Holy place, Fathers Preasence, Temple of Heaven, round scructure, 300 miles accross, garden of fountains, Temple of Instruction where the young children learn about what they never seen the Earth, Theatres, Every saint required to see the life of Jesus real movie, when saved all sins washed away from book of life, 
    - river water chimes making music, 
    - chamber looks out to see God face, the 144,000 mansions on first row can see Gods face all time, 
    - 200 miles Seal of Glass made from safire jewel. Moving platform, saints appear on the sea of glass in cup formation and celebrate "cup of Love for Jesus as they celebrate the sea of Glass rotates, Cup of suffering,
    - The light of God and the River flows through the mansions, 
    - learning continues in Heaven, Reward for works on earth, different glories of people, but learning can bring your glory up only so much as determine, people are always happy with their rewards, 

    Thanks for watching, Please SHare God  Bless you all

    Saturday 24 November 2018


    I get asked alot "will my pets be in Heaven?"
    No-one knows for sure. The only thing i can do is respond with a Video Sermon on a dream i had of walking into my Mansion and being greeted by a Dog. 

    Monday 19 November 2018

    A ‘massive sinkhole’ opened up in one South Carolina city this morning

    A “massive sinkhole” opened Friday morning at a gas station in Greenville, South Carolina, police say.

    A video posted by the Greenville Police Department shows the sinkhole police estimate to be 10 feet deep that exposed an underground gas line.

    “Crews are here making sure pieces of overhanging concrete don’t drop on the gas lines, which could open them up. As soon as the concrete is secured, at least one southbound lane will re-open on Haywood Road,” the department said on Facebook

    A S.C. Department of Transportation engineer told WYFF that he estimated the sinkhole to actually be about 20 feet deep and 50 feet long.

    The hole that opened up at the Kangaroo Express gas station is the size of an SUV, police said on Facebook.

    Sinkholes can form when water washes away the soil under concrete, WYFF reports.

    A drain pipe under the gas station collapsed and probably caused the sinkhole, according to the SCDOT engineer who spoke to Fox Carolina.

    This is the second big sinkhole in as many days, Fox Carolina reports. Thursday a sinkhole opened in front of a trucking company, trapping the company’s shipping trucks on the property, according to the television station.

    Guatemala volcano eruption forces evacuation of 4,000 residents

    About 4,000 residents have been evacuated from Guatemala’s Volcano of Fire as red-hot rock and ash spewed into the sky and cascaded down the slopes toward an area devastated by a deadly eruption earlier this year.
    Guatemala’s volcanology unit said that explosions from the 12,300ft (3,763-meter) mountain shook homes with “constant sounds similar to a train locomotive”.

    Incandescent material burst as high as 3,200ft above the crater and flows of hot rock and ash extended about 1.5 miles down one flank of the volcano. Hot blasts of pyroclastic material pushed down canyons on the slopes, while ash drifted toward Guatemala City to the east.
    Hundreds of families heeded the call of disaster coordination authorities to evacuate 10 communities, piling into yellow school buses for trips to shelters. The national disaster commission said 3,925 people had been evacuated by early Monday.
    Read more -

    Volcano activity is one of the surest Earthly Borth pain sign to look for as the The Throne of God (Nibiru) gets even closer..

    VIDEO: Russia Fights ISIS will US Rescues Them ~ Israeli News Live

    Situation in Syria is once again heating up which could lead to direct confrontation between the US and Russian forces. Both countries have troops on the ground and while Russia is seen fighting ISIS the US seems to be rescuing them. / /

    VIDEOS: Maccabees and Chanukah Full Article

    The Maccabees Revolution and Redemption and Chanukah

    First Maccabees, Entire Book - (I Macc 11-1624)

    Second Maccabees   Entire Book Alluded to in Hebrews 11 35 40; The Chapter of FAITH!

    We need the spirit of the Maccabees to return in the end times if you ask me. To fight for what we believe to rationalise the Commandments. To not yield to enemy and their Pagan ways because its what everyone else is doing. 

    Please share this Article,
    God Bless you all

    U.K. Jews and Muslims Join Hands to Cook Chicken Soup for the Homeless

    As part of National Mitzvah Day, hundreds of volunteers participated in a chicken soup cook-a-thon for homeless shelters and others in need

    LONDON – London School of Economics students showed up with the matzo meal, the Halal caterers came schlepping 90 chickens and 40 kilos of carrots and the Muslim scouts from the 8th East London troops rolled up their sleeves, joining in with the New Stoke Newington synagogue youngsters in chopping up wedges of garlic.

    The chicken soup cook-a-thon Sunday, which saw hundreds of young volunteers getting together at dozens of venues across the country to cook up traditional pots of soup – was this years’ flagship event for the national Mitzvah Day. As its name implies, Mitzvah Day gets Jewish communities and individuals to sign up for projects and spend a day doing mitzvahs, preferably sweeping up their non-Jewish friends and neighbors in the efforts.

    Sunday 18 November 2018

    BLOOD MOON TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 21st Jan 2019. U.S.A, Atlantic

    Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon) Jan 21st 2019

    Penumbra Eclipse starts 2:36am UTC
    Partial Eclipse starts 3:34am
    Full Eclipse starts 4:41am
    Full Eclipse ends 5:43am
    Partial Eclipse ends 6:50am

    Penumbra Eclipse ends 7:48am UTC

    Follow this Event with us on Facebook Calander -

    As we know from the Prophecies in the Bible Gods Throne (Nibiru) will passover earth on the Full Moon... which Full moon is the only unanswered Question.
    But at that time (Seal 6) the Sun will be darkened and the Moon will be seen BLOOD RED...!

    Lets keep watch at all times..

    Joel 2:31

    The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

    Please share this article and spead the word in Jesus Name..

    Friday 16 November 2018

    Happy Sabbath. Shabbat Shalom (Aquired 7 candle Menorah)

    As the Sun sets earlier and earlier over United Kingdom, i finish work and hurry home to Eat, wash and cleanse myself  and prepere for the LORDS Day the Sab-ath-day Sat-ur-day..
    Us as true Christian still keep this day Holy as God and Jesus Christ is Holy.
    Yes we are Jewish by blood but Chrostian by belief.. this is why when people ask my religion the only closest religion is Judeo-Christian. 

    I lighting of the 7 candles at the beginning of the Sabbath Day is a Great way to start and "remember the Sabbath Day" as God Commanded. 

    Also 7 lampstand represents the seven spirits of God.

    Revelation 4:5
    And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

    For the Sabbath Day has been forsaken by them. The Romans who are not at any part of their religion following God or Christ. Its a Babylonian empire full of Ungodliness and now Abominations in their nations.. Destrestruction will be their end.

    The True Saints Keep the Commandments of God and testify to Jesus Christ.
    This is the basis and the foundation to my understanding of Judeo-Christian faith.
    Both in God and Jesus as one.

    If you would like to know about scriptures of the Sabbath Day please click this link..
    Its so great to study the word of God then you come into a completion of mind that GOD doesnt change..

    Happy Sabbath to you and your Family.

    Love from me Pastor Justin Roberts and my Family (My Mother)
    God Bless you all, Please share this Article...


    Sunday 11 November 2018

    Whats going on at Yellowstone? Yellow Jackets Inspeacting Super Volcano. Never seen before.

    Whats going on at Yellowstone Guys???
    It looks closed for a start, very Steamy and there are people in Yellow Jackets walking off the board walk and walking on the Volcano crust itself?

    They look like they could be inspecting it??
    Can anyone confirm???

    God Bless
    Pastor J

    VIDEO: Two Unusual Earthquake spikes Less 6 Months. Nibiru Conjunction?

    First Spike is on the "Total Earthquakes" data gathered.
    "Total" meaning all Earthquakes of any magnitude are counted. 

    The Graph shows data for the last Three years. Normally the number does not breach over the 2200 mark, but after April 2018 had ended, that all changed.
    Through the month of June the number of Total Quakes rose up from the 2000 to the 6000 mark.
    Through July the Quakes remained at that 6000 mark, then at the beginning of August they dropped back down to a "normal" level.

     The Second Earthquake spike followed Immediately after the Total Quake had ended at 11th August
    In fact while the "Total Quakes" was having it spike through June and July the "Red Alert" Earthquakes were at a Record Low

    The Daily "Red Alert" Earthquake number is the number of dangerous earthquake in the last 30 days. These earthquakes are usually large in magnitude. 

    As we look at the Graph we can see that in the month of August the Red Alert Earthquake rose very quickly from a Low of 3 to a high of 23... reaching its Highest point of the spike the 12th/13th September hitting 28..
    This is the highest spike i have seen in the last 5.5 years of me keeping daily records and weekly analysis.

    USGS Interactive Earthquake Map - CLICK HERE

    Could it be The Throne of God (Nibiru) conjoined with the Sun and Earth?
    When this lining of the planets happens it creates like an electrical arking effect. The Electrical charge is able to be tranferred between the big magnetic fields of the Heavenly bodies. 

    If so we should be watching closely in the next 6 MONTHS period. As the Sun takes 12 months to orbit the earth and half of that and the next conjunction time would be 6 months on.

    Either way we should be watching out for the rise of Earthquake as the Primary Earth Birth pain of the Lord coming down in his Throne.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this Article and/or watch the Video,
    Please share this Video with all your social media buddies, and churches.. for the time could well be at hand now.

    God Bless you all
    Love from Pastor Justin

    Saturday 10 November 2018

    Block of St Albans flats evacuated due to sinkhole

    Residents have been evacuated from a block of flats after a sinkhole appeared next to it.
    Emergency services were called to Cedar Court in Cedarwood Drive, St Albans, at 6.35am on Tuesday, after the sinkhole was discovered.
    The evacuation was a precaution because of how close sinkhole is to the block in the Hertfordshire city.
    Around 20 residents have been affected, a spokesman for St Albans City and District Council said.
    The spokesman said: "Council officers from our Building Control and Environmental Services teams have been down on site this morning. "The council has brought together an incident management team, as is usual in such circumstances.
    "We are working with partners including the Police and Hertfordshire County Council to make sure people are safe."
    Structural engineers and utility services attended the scene.
    A crew from Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue stayed on site until 8pm on Tuesday to assist.
    Residents were also forced to leave their homes when another sinkhole opened up in St Albans in October 2015.
    The 66ft (20m) crater opened up across a driveway and front garden on Fontmell Close, with 20 people evacuated as a precaution. 

    Sunday 4 November 2018

    VIDEO:The Maccabees: Revolution and Redemption

    VIDEO: Jonathan Cahn: Hanukkah foreshadows the Antichrist

    Part 1

    Part 2

    SOME GOOD NEWS: Induction for Full Time Employment, but not Until 22nd (Full Moon)

    Some Good News guys. I had a phone call from an Agency few weeks ago. They got me in for an Interview and i have passed their criteria. I have an Iduction to start work for the Local council here.
    It will be a blessing to me, also extra money, paid weekly which is hard to find these days. 
    But the Induction not for a few weeks, 22nd Nov, which funny enough is the Full Moon of November :-)

    God Bless you all.
    And thanks for following this post..
    Please dont hesitate to contact me personally,

    I have a design for some "end of the age" clothing that i would like to give away to people who support this ministry..

    MY Covenant with GOD. JESUS takes INHERITANCE, INDIA/PAKISTAN Mission, WILLIAM V CROWNED as KING. Antichrist.

      I made a covenant with God. When the Inheritance is passed to Jesus (Revelation 5) and the Antichrist William was still not ready t...