Wednesday 30 September 2020

Coronavirus: Israel passes law to ban mass protests during lockdown

Israel's parliament has handed the government the power to ban mass protests during the country's second nationwide coronavirus lockdown.
Demonstrators will be confined to groups of up to 20 people and must stay within 1km (0.6 miles) of their homes.
The law should have been part of a range of measures passed on Friday.
But the government struggled to get the necessary votes after critics accused it of trying to stifle protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
For weeks, thousands of people have gathered outside his official residence in Jerusalem to demand he resign over corruption allegations and his handling of the pandemic. Mr Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing.

HIGH Sabbaths - Feast of Tabernacles, 1st & 8th SABBATH fall on SEVENTH DAY SABBATH.

The First and Eighth day of Feast of Tabernacles are also a Holy day, and Sabbath day and no work to be done in them days...
Just as the First and Seventh day of Passover are also Sabbaths.
This feast period is also beginning 2 weeks after Jesus Christ true birthday and will complete (which is also the meaning of the number 8) on 3 weeks after Jesus Birthday...
But this year, These High Sabbaths fall on the Seventh Day Sabbath Lords day Saturday...
Making these tomes really special in my heart...

Eyes and EARS open...

Prophet Justin.

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Armenia warns it will deploy Russian-made Iskander missiles if Turkey uses American-built F-16 jets in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Armenia is prepared to use Russian-made Iskander ballistic missiles in the Nagorno-Karabakh region if Turkey deploys its American-built F-16 fighter jets in support of the Azeri offensive, officials insisted on Monday.

However, Yerevan, while calling the F-16s a “Sword of Damocles” hanging over the people of the disputed enclave, said it hopes the situation won’t escalate to that extent. 

The Armenian ambassador to Russia Vardan Toganyan said on Monday that “all measures, including the Islanders,” were on the table if Ankara deployed the jets.

However, he added, the time for that has not come yet. According to Toganyan, air defense systems in the area are enough to deal with Turkish and Azeri drones that have been used so far.

The 9K720 Iskander (SS-26 Stone in NATO nomenclature) is a mobile, short-range ballistic missile system of Russian design, in service with the Armenian military. Yereven has said it was open to deploying the Iskanders, as well as Su-25 ground attack jets, if it became necessary to match Azerbaijan’s escalation in the ongoing conflict over the disputed region.

Armenian Defense Ministry spokesperson Artsrun Hovhannisyan said during a Monday press briefing that Yerevan could use heavy weaponry if “the logic of battle” called for it.

Azeri Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov responded by saying that Baku has an “adequate response” ready for any potential escalation from the Armenian side, without giving any specifics.

Armenian President Armen Sarkissian has accused Turkey of directly providing Baku with military-grade drones, mercenaries and even the F-16s. Azerbaijan maintains that Turkey is not taking part in any fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh. Ankara has openly supported the latest offensive launched by Azeri forces on Sunday, despite numerous calls from its allies in the US-led NATO alliance to show restraint.

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Thursday 24 September 2020

‘We are at war,’ Netanyahu says as two-week hermetic shutdown set to begin

“We are at war, wake up,” the prime minister told the coronavirus cabinet, which agreed on the toughest lockdown yet to try to stem the pandemic.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

The government voted early Thursday morning to put in place the strictest closure yet on the country due to the alarming rise in Covid-19 cases, in which the number of seriously ill patients doubled in the last month. The Knesset approved the restrictions shortly after.

Israel became the first country to impose a second lockdown on Sept. 18. However, it was quickly criticized as being full of holes and thus ineffective, leading to this latest round of restrictions.

The tighter controls will come into effect Friday and last for the next 16 days, until after the Jewish holiday season is over. If all goes well, the prime minister said, the two weeks after that will see a slight loosening of the lockdown, and then a return to the “traffic light” system whereby restrictions depend on the rate of infection.

“Today, 31 people died from coronavirus,” he said. “I am fighting for the lives of the citizens of Israel…. We are at war – wake up!”

Only stores that supply food and medicine will be allowed to serve customers, and only businesses deemed vital will be permitted to stay open. The public sector will be completely closed. High-risk groups will be asked to stay at home. People will only be permitted to walk up to a kilometer away from home, and all outdoor gatherings will be restricted to 20 people.

This means no mass anti-government demonstrations of the kind that have filled the streets around the prime minister’s residence in Jerusalem over the past months, and no synagogues filled with worshipers as is common during this High Holy Day period.

An exception will seemingly be made for Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, when even many secular Israelis attend services. According to website Globes, people will be allowed to pray in “capsules” of 10 indoors and spread-out capsules of 20 outdoors, as was permitted for the Rosh Hashana (New Year) holiday last weekend. Other media reported that prayer will only be allowed in the outdoor format.

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau has stated that if health professionals say that closing synagogues is mandated, he will support them. His Sephardi counterpart, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, backed the Rosh Hashana format, but the head of the Shas Council of Torah Sages, Rabbi Shalom Cohen, called for outdoor prayers, letting only those who absolutely had to pray indoors to do so on Yom Kippur, which is a fast day. The weather is also expected to be in the nineties, making outdoor prayers very difficult.

The coronavirus cabinet decision that preceded the government vote was conflict-ridden. Blue and White party ministers accused the prime minister of desiring the closure just to stop the protests against him, and health officials were divided over the need to impose a lockdown on the economy when the main danger in their eyes was mass gatherings of people.

Finance Minister Yisrael Katz voted against the tighter lockdown given the estimated damage to the economy. Current numbers say the lockdown will cost the country 37 billion shekels. Bank of Israel head Amir Cohen and coronavirus czar Ronni Gamzu supported his position.

Two other ministers, Yizhar Shai and Orit Farkash-Hacohen, also voted against it.

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Sunday 20 September 2020

FIVE MORE COUNTRIES poised to normalise ties with Israel White House chief of staff claims

Five more countries are seriously considering peace deals with Israel, the White House has announced, as a close confidant to the King of Bahrain claimed Gulf states now regard the Jewish state as their most important ally in the region. 

Mark Meadows, the White House Chief of Staff, told reporters on Air Force One that five countries hoped to follow the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in normalising their relations with Israel, but did not name them. 

He was likely referring to Oman and Saudi Arabia in the Gulf region, while there is also intense speculation that Sudan in North Africa is close to taking that historic step.

It came as a special advisor to the King of Bahrain said in an interview with the Telegraph that the Gulf states believe Israel could be better suited than Washington in helping them achieve their regional goals. 

"I think perhaps there is the beginning of a reduction in the dependency on the US and a shift over to Israel now," said Marc Schneier, who was appointed to the role in 2018. 

"It’s so much more accessible, to turn to an ally, a regional partner, if there are any concerns - whether it’s from a military point of view or an economic point of view. And I think you’re now going to see that shift."

Mr Schneier, an American Rabbi, added that it was a question of “if, not when” Saudi Arabia would join Bahrain and the UAE in embracing Israel. 

Though Saudi Arabia is a key ally of the United States and in recent years grown closer to Israel, the Kingdom’s leadership says it is not ready yet to sign a peace deal. 

But President Donald Trump spoke optimistically about Saudi Arabia changing its mind earlier this week, along with up to nine other countries. 

“We’re going to have a lot of other countries joining us, including the big ones," Mr Trump said. 

Israeli media reports have also pointed to Oman as the next country that is likely to embrace Israel, though many other countries in the Middle East have condemned the emerging, US-led alliance.
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Friday 18 September 2020

Coronavirus: Israel marks Jewish New Year with second lockdown

Israel is entering a second nationwide lockdown to curb surging coronavirus cases, just as people begin to mark the start of Jewish New Year.
Rosh Hashanah is traditionally a time for big, family get-togethers.
But under the new three-week lockdown, Israelis must stay within 1km (0.6 miles) of their homes, with exceptions, and the number of people allowed in synagogues has been greatly reduced.
Israel currently has one of the highest Covid-19 infection rates in the world.
In the past week, new cases have reached daily highs of more than 6,000, and the country's leaders have apologised for their failure to contain the pandemic.
Israel has seen 1,169 deaths from Covid-19 and nearly 177,000 confirmed infections, according to a global tally kept by US university Johns Hopkins.
It is said to be the first developed nation to reimpose nationwide curbs.

Thursday 17 September 2020

Trump hails 'dawn of new Middle East' with UAE-Bahrain-Israel deals


DUBAI (Reuters) - Bahrain may have won international praise for following in the United Arab Emirates’ footsteps and establishing ties with Israel, but the dramatic move by the close U.S. ally could stir a new wave of opposition at home.

While the deal will enable Bahrain’s Sunni Muslim monarchy to win more support from Western and regional partners, it risks deepening political tensions and may energise a long demoralised opposition led by the Shi’ite majority.

Bahrain, host to the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet and other international naval operations, was the only Gulf Arab state to witness a sizeable pro-democracy uprising in the 2011 “Arab Spring”, which it quashed with Saudi and Emirati help.

Low-level dissent has continued, periodically flaring into rock-throwing skirmishes and crude bomb and shooting attacks, putting the kingdom on the frontline of a region-wide tussle for influence between Iran and its Sunni rival Saudi Arabia.

The government has used an array of powers to quell the unrest: Arrests, security raids, revoking of citizenship and bans on opposition parties and newspapers have helped reduce the risk of big popular protests.

But anger has boiled anew since the deal was announced on Friday.

Sporadic street protests have taken place each night since the accord, which the government says supports “peace between Bahrain and Israel”. The authorities avoid the contested term “normalisation”, which to some suggests entrenching Israel’s diplomatic and military superiority over Palestinians.

“I am Bahraini and the Bahraini regime does not represent me,” read one protest banner, shared on social media.

“Normalisation is treason,” read others.

Asked to comment on opposition to the deal, including opposition allegations that the government has limited the scope of parliamentary debate, a government spokesperson said freedom of opinion and expression are protected by the constitution and the government continued to uphold them robustly.

“The historic diversity of Bahrain has shaped a society that embraces coexistence and tolerance. These principles are vital to securing lasting regional stability and peace, and underpin the declaration of peace signed by the Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel,” the spokesman said in a statement to Reuters.

Palestinians said to be incensed over Israeli speakers near Temple Mount


Jordanian and Palestinian officials expressed outrage after Israel reportedly installed loudspeakers next to the Temple Mount last week.

Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned “ongoing Israeli violations against al-Aqsa” in a statement on Monday, according to Jordan’s official Petra News Agency.

“The police actions are irresponsible tampering, unacceptable and constitute a provocation to the feelings of Muslims around the world and a flagrant violation of Israel’s obligations as the occupying power under international law,” said Daifallah Al-Fayez, a spokesperson for the ministry.

The Wakf Islamic religious trust, instituted by Jordan after the War of Independence and an arm of the Jordanian Ministry of Sacred Properties, administers the Temple Mount site.

Fayez warned against the “consequences of the continued breaches” and called on the international community to pressure Israel to “stop the violations,” according to Petra.

The Jordanian ministry also denounced the recent arrests of some Wakf officials in Jerusalem.

The loudspeakers reportedly were placed by Ablution Gate (Bab al-Matharah) along the Western Wall of the Temple Mount plaza, according to Middle East Eye, an independently funded online news organization.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Trump threatens ‘1,000 times greater’ counterattack against Iran

“Any attack by Iran, in any form, against the United States will be met with an attack on Iran that will be 1,000 times greater in magnitude!” said President Trump.

By Josh Plank, World Israel News

President Donald Trump warned Monday that any attack by Iran will be met with a much greater counterattack, following a report that Iran is plotting to assassinate a U.S. ambassador.

“According to press reports, Iran may be planning an assassination, or other attack, against the United States in retaliation for the killing of terrorist leader Soleimani, which was carried out for his planning a future attack, murdering U.S. troops, and the death and suffering caused over so many years,” Trump tweeted late Monday.

“Any attack by Iran, in any form, against the United States will be met with an attack on Iran that will be 1,000 times greater in magnitude!” he said.

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Trump to host Israeli, Arab leaders for historic peace signing

UAE and Bahrain to sign the Abraham Accords with Israel at the White House Tuesday, as the two Arab nations establish full relations with the Jewish State.

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

More than 700 diplomats, officials and invited dignitaries are expected to arrive at the White House Tuesday for the historic signing of peace accords between Israel and two Gulf Arab states, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

“The President requests the pleasure of your company at the Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony to be held at The White House,” read the invitation sent to an estimated 1,000 people who will gather on the White House lawn for the noon-hour ceremony with the weather expected to cooperate under partly cloudy skies and pleasant temperatures.

“This is a great turning point in the history of Israel and in the history of the Middle East. It will have a great and positive effect on every citizen of Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement issued shortly after his arrival Sunday in Washington. “I also promise you, according to what I see here, that additional countries are on the way.”

Netanyahu and the UAE and Bahraini foreign ministers will sign the documents, named the “Abraham Accords” after the patriarch of the world’s three major monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Along with the establishment of Israel-UAE and Israel-Bahrain diplomatic ties, the three countries will also ink a trilateral accord with President Donald Trump signing as a witness.

The ceremony is the culmination of several breakthrough announcements that started a month ago when President Trump announced that the UAE and Israel would establish diplomatic relations and that several other countries were expected to follow suit.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo then visited the region in a bid to find other countries who had endorsed the Israel-UAE peace deal including Sudan, Bahrain and Oman.

On September 11, it was announced that Bahrain would join the White House ceremony with the two Gulf countries becoming the third and fourth Arab states to establish diplomatic relations with Israel after Egypt and Jordan.

Although Saudi Arabia has refrained from commenting directly on the agreements and has not said if it will also establish formal ties with Israel, the Saudis made a surprise announcement two weeks ago that they would allow flights to and from all countries going to the UAE to traverse their airspace.

The Saudis had historically boycotted Israel and banned flights to and from Tel Aviv from overflying their territory, adding several hours to flights from Israel to the Far East.

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Monday 14 September 2020

Oman welcomes Bahrain-Israel normalization decision

DUBAI: Oman welcomes Bahrain’s decision to normalize relations with Israel and hopes it will contribute to Israeli-Palestinian peace, Oman state media said on Sunday.
Bahrain on Friday became the second Gulf country to normalize ties with Israel after the United Arab Emirates said they would do so a month ago, moves forged partly through shared fears of Iran.
“Oman hopes this new strategic path taken by some Arab countries will contribute to bringing about a peace based on an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and on establishing an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as capital,” the government statement said.
Israel’s intelligence minister said a few days after the UAE-Israel accord was announced on Aug. 13 that Oman could also formalize ties with the country. Oman has welcomed the UAE and Bahraini decisions, but has not commented on its own prospects for normalized relations.
In 2018 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Oman and discussed peace initiatives in the Middle East with then-Omani leader Sultan Qaboos.
In a turbulent region, Oman has maintained its neutrality. It has kept friendly relations with a range of regional actors, including arch-foes the United States and Iran.

Sunday 13 September 2020

NEW Revelation: JESUS CHRIST BIRTHDAY, 3.5 Days After Sun/Moon Join. Rosh Hashanah 20th September.

We have the True Birthday of Jesus Christ coming up this weekend.

His true Birthday happens at Rosh Hashanah.

The Revelation 12 sign has revealed to us.
This year will be 3 years since the birth in the Heavens.

I was wondering about the true day of the birth and Rosh Hashanah...

Then this was revealed to me that the day of Rosh Hashanah, which is the seeing of the First sliver of the New Moon, which is also the beginning of a New month by biblical Calendar, which is also the Beginning of a New Year for the Jews that rejected Jesus...

The exact time of the Completion of the Revelation 12 Sign in the Heavens it was revealed that Exactly 3.5 days after the Moon passes the Sun the sign was complete and the First sliver of Moon light seen...
Same will also be this year...

3.5 days after Moon passes Sun, = afternoon of 20th September...

Praise the Lord and Yah Bless...
Please share...
and be prepared and sober..



  I made a covenant with God. When the Inheritance is passed to Jesus (Revelation 5) and the Antichrist William was still not ready t...