Saturday 23 September 2017

US flew B-1B bombers just off coast of North Korea

The US has flown B-1B Lancer bombers escorted by F-15 fighters off North Korea’s coast venturing the “farthest north of the Demilitarized Zone,” separating the two Koreas, in the 21st century, the Pentagon’s spokesperson said.
The planes took off from Okinawa, Japan and flew over the waters east of the Korean Peninsula.
"This is the farthest north of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) any U.S. fighter or bomber aircraft have flown off North Korea's coast in the 21st century, underscoring the seriousness with which we take (North Korea's) reckless behavior," said Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White.

Friday 22 September 2017

Israeli jets bombed site close to Damascus airport, reports say

Israeli jets have reportedly bombed an area near the Damascus international airport in the third attack in as many weeks by the Israeli military on targets associated with the Lebanese group Hezbollah.
According to social media reports on sites associated with the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, Israeli planes fired at least two missiles from outside Syrian airspace, hitting either a weapons depot or a convoy.
The Facebook page of the National Guard for the Defence of the Homeland, allied with the Syrian military, reported that “an area near the Damascus international airport was attacked by a hostile missile”, while images showed a fire burning in the early hours of Friday.
The Lebanese television station al-Mayadeen also reported the attack.
The latest airstrikes mark a recent increase in Israeli interventions which have coincided with diplomatic warnings by the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, that his country will not accept an enhanced Iranian and Hezbollah presence on its northern borders.
While there have been many attacks attributed to Israel in the area around the airport – where there are arms depots associated with weapons that Israel says are being supplied to Hezbollah by Iran – the issue has become more pressing in recent months as it has become clear the Assad regime, backed by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, is winning on the battlefield.
Israel has made clear it is deeply concerned by a “day after” scenario involving an expanded Iranian and Hezbollah presence to its north.
The latest reported attack comes only days after Israel shot down an Iranian-made drone operated by Hezbollah after it entered the demilitarised zone along the border between Israel and Syria on the Golan Heights. Two weeks ago Israeli warplanes struck a base associated with Syria’s chemical weapons production.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the civil war, said the attack earlier this month was on a facility of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre, an agency which the US describes as Syria’s chemical weapons manufacturer.
An Israeli military spokeswoman declined to comment on the reports of the airstrike, saying: “We do not respond to such reports.” 
Israel, which fought a 2006 war with Hezbollah, sees red lines in the shipment to the powerful Shia group of anti-aircraft missiles, precision ground-to-ground missiles and chemical weapons.

Thursday 21 September 2017

NO RAPTURE ON 23RD SEPT...! Three Unfulfilled Factors

Many people are asking "Pastor is there a chance The Rapture could happen on 23rd"

My immediate answer is "NO" Its Impossible.

Surely Sept 23rd is a very prophetic day as it is the Fulfilment of Revelation 12, the Sign in the Heavens. The women clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet and crown of twelve stars. She is giving birth to the Man child (Jesus) who will rule all nations with a rod of Iron.

Through the New scripture of Revelation it is revealed to us that Jesus Christ was actually born on this date when he came first on Earth, as history is repeating but in the Heavens.

It is also the True Sabbath Day. Saturday 23rd Sept. Still held by true saints and Israel.
So there is three great Godly alignments on this day

But Rapture???
Nope, im sorry to break it to you, as i know many people are wanting the Rapture to happen right now because they are sick of this world and who blames them.



When the Throne of God (Nibiru) passes over Earth at the opening of the Sixth Seal it written
"the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the Moon became as Blood"

This is 100% Impossible during a New Moon as the Moon shines no light.
This is 100% Possible during a Full Moon as the Moon is full in its light.

The passing of the Throne therefore will be on a Full Moon as it was is the days of Jesus Crucifixion.
The Passover feastival is marked and begins on the Full Moon as are other feasts.
Sept 23rd is only a few days after the New Moon in fact will be the time that the first sliver of the Moon is seen to mark a New Month and also New Year.


When the Throne of God locks onto Earth it will cause a catastrophic Earthquake, flipping the Earth around.

Because of the Earth flipping around "The Sun will go down at Noon in Israel" just like in the days of Jesus where there was darkness over the land from the 6th hour until the 9th Hour.

An Earthquake so bad that the World Government hide in their "Dens in the rocks of the mountains". In the U.S they have been building huge in-rock underground cities for over 50 years. This is where they will survive, this is also in the scripture of Gods first throne passing.

So are the Earthquakes Higher than ever before?

No is the answer. I follow Earthquakes Daily and take my own records. The Earthquakes are stable and sitting Low at the moment. We have had a few big earthquakes in the last few days but the overall picture stays the same.

In the Graph you can see that on New Year 2016/17 the Earthquakes were at their highest reaching over 20+ "Red Alert" Earthquakes in the last 30 days period.
Earthquakes have fallen and stayed at a Low averaging around 9 for the last 6 months.
Now today 21st Sept 10pm UK time they have increased slightly to 13.

But still this is not even close to the Earthquake activity that would be experienced when Gods Throne gets real close to Earth.


The Throne of God Locking onto Earth happens at the opening of the Sixth Seal and between seal 6 (Rev 6) and Seal 7 (Rev 9) The Rapture happens (rev 7:9) and also the 144,000 saints that will serve God are chosen (rev 7:4)

But the first 5 Seals have not been opened yet.

1. Has the Antichrist been crowned and released?
No, but that could be any day
2. Have the world government tried to start world war 3 with Israel and dragging all other nations in?
No but that could happen any minute and nations are rising against all nations.
3. Has the stock market and money market collapsed? 
Nope, u surely would of noticed your bank machines out service.
4. Has the rider on the Pail Horse took down North America the fourth part of the Earth? 
Not yet, but as you can see right now it is on the cards.
5. The cry of the people upto God to come because the turmil is so bad? 
No, everyone is very settled in their way and happy lives, Its only after these seals start opening will the things above sink their lives and then Great depression but Great revival in the whole world will happen.

But if we do hear Trumpet sounds on this day, It means something else which i will explain what this means.

God Bless you all Amen

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Hurricane Maria Slams Puerto Rico, Knocking Out All Power On The Island


When people hear of a Large Earthquake happening they start to immendiately think and say that Earthquakes are getting more frequent or bigger. This is far from the truth. I have made it my business to record daily the actual number of Earthquake recorded.
The advantage to this, I have the true readings and not just emotional guess work.

Emotions are understandably high right now because of the Fear of World war and Nuclear war starting at anytime. Fears about the total collapse of the money market.
The Solar Eclipse and the Hammering that America is suddenly getting from a long line of Hurricane force storms.

I want to share with you the true reading of Earthquakes right now so we have the Truth of whats going on, particularly with the Earthquake activity.

Here we have a Daily record of the "Red Alert" Earthquakes (last 30 days)
The records on this Graph start from January 1st this year. We can clearly see that the earthquakes were at there highest then. The Graph shows over 20 Red Alert Earthquakes in the Last 30 day period. WOW..!!

Look to the right of the Graph which is the present day. We can see the number of Earthquakes has dropped down to around 8 and for the last few months has only been steadily hovering around this mark.

The Graph shows both (Last 30 days) and also (Last 7 days) results.
We can also noticed a kind of consistent flatness to the Graph since April time this year.

Graph shows the Average Earthquakes per month. as you can see Sept at a mediocre 9.3.

Graph shows the "Total Earthquakes per last 7 days. This is the total, meaning any magnitude. This has actually leaped from last week. Last week there was 1596 total earthquakes and this week the reading is 2199. As you can see from the Graph these readings these readings are very volatile and can easily drop down low again next week.


When Gods Fiery Throne (Nibiru) does come to Passover the Earth though there will be a big increase in the Earthquakes, this your primary earthly birth pain to look for.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

Time is Short repent of sin, ask God for forgiveness, forgive others and so you will be found worthy to escape all the things that are coming on the earth in the end of the age.
I pray you do so and be caught away off this earth for as Jesus said it will be the worst time that ever was and ever shall be in the history of Humanity.

God Bless you Amen.

Tuesday 19 September 2017



Depth - 5km
East North East of Raboso, Mexico

Temple Mount to be Closed to Jews on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

The Hijri, the day Muslims mark the beginning of the Islamic new year and where the only celebration is a day off from school, falls on the same day as Rosh Hashana this year, and this has led to a police decision to close the Temple Mount to Jews for Rosh Hashana, according to the Har HaBayit news site.
In addition, the Temple Mount will also be closed to Jews on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish year, because the Temple Mount is always closed to Jews on Saturdays.
If anything changes between then and now, we’ll let you know.

Friday 15 September 2017

"Trains will soon reach Temple Mount"

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz says that he intends to extend Jerusalem train line to go all the way to Temple Mount.

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) said at a pre-Rosh Hashana toast in Or Yehuda Monday that he intends to extend the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem train to reach the Temple Mount.
"The high-speed train line between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem will continue from Jerusalem's Central Bus Station to the Western Wall and Temple Mount via underground tunnels" he said.
This is not the first time that Katz has talked about his plans to extend the Israel Railways train line to the old city. In the most recent Jerusalem Conference hosted by Arutz Sheva's sister publication Basheva, he said that "in the future we will extend the route to the area of ​​the old city, near the Western Wall, where another underground railway station will be built."
"By next Passover, with God's help, we will fulfill Isaiah's vision and embark on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem on the new train."
The Jerusalem City Hall is also planning a cable car that would go from Jerusalem's Central Bus Station to the Temple Mount. Scheduled to be finished in 2020, it would also go to the First Station, Mount Zion and the Dung Gate.


We are living in the times of the Last Seven years (week of years) spoken of by Daniel the Prophet.
69 out of 70 weeks (of years) have already past.
Yes, 483 years ago a Muslim man started rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem and the City, and they still stand to this day. 

Daniel 9:25
Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
(7+62 = 69 weeks)

We are awaiting only the last 7 Years of Humanity and then Jesus will return.

Daniel also talks about "An agreement with many for one week (7 years)"
So when you see this agreement with many (nations?) you will know this is the last 7 years

 Daniel 9:27
Ad he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Tuesday 12 September 2017


ANOTHER..!!! Hurricane strong Storm is forming on the West Coast.
It is forecasted to hit the Gulf of California around the 17th Sept.
The storm winds are forecasted to be up to 90mph+
We have to wait for mainstream to report this, but you heard it here first
End of the Age Bible Prophecy.

Be safe and God Bless

Sunday 10 September 2017


We are getting ever so close to the fulfilment of the first part of Bible Prophecy found in the Book of Revelation.
This prophecy is the Great sign in the Heavens.
"A women clothed with the Sun, and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars"

Revelation 12:1
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman (Virgo/Virgin) clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (9 stars of Leo plus 3 moving stars Mercury, Mars and Venus)

This sign is not found at any other time. You can do your own research and search through time like i have down and nowhere in at least the next 30 years does this happen.


A coincidence?
are coincidences even real?
Since im born again i dont see Coincidences but GOD-INSTANCES.

The Book of Revelation which reveals all the truth of the Bible that was not yet known. God gave Jesus the Book of Revelation to show to his servant John what be in the End of the Age and Jesus return to the earth, and also the eternal life and condemnation.
John was "In the spirit on the Lords day, when he heard a voice as of a Trumpet"

many times in the Bible God and his angels voice are heard as trumpet sounds. 

This proves God, Jesus and John all kept the commandment which is "Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy" 6 days you shall do all your work but on the 7th day rest for it is a Sabbath to the Lord.

Rome the long life enemy of God changed the Sabbath Day to Sunday and everyone follows this deception.

Year 321 - Constantine orders all businesses close on Sunday.
Year 364 -  Papacy declare Sunday now Holy day and ban Saturday.


Keep all eyes on Israel during this time.

In Revelation it speaks of when the Dragon (Satan) realises he has been cast down to the earth he goes off to make war with the women who gave birth to the man child.

So i myself will be looking for a change in Israel on and after this event.

But time is short.
We should repent of our sins turn away from them. Ask God for forgiveness and it is done, because Jesus paid the price on the cross. He died so we would spend eternity in Hell.
And just like God rose Jesus from death so to we will also rise after death.

God Bless you all Amen.


The energy that caused the magnitude 8.1 Earthquake in Mexico also caused a massive tremor across the sea.
This triggered 20 Buoy to activate into an alarm mode.
the Buoys as seen in the picture of the map above.

52401 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:40:30 UTC
52402 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:39:30 UTC
21416 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:33:15 UTC
21414 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:28:30 UTC
46413 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:25:45 UTC
46408 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:25:00 UTC
46402 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:23:30 UTC
46403 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:20:30 UTC
46409 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:20:30 UTC
46419 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:16:00 UTC
46407 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:12:00 UTC
46411 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:09:30 UTC
32412 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:06:00 UTC
44402 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:05:30 UTC
46412 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:05:30 UTC
32413 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:01:00 UTC
41424 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 05:00:30 UTC
42409 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 04:55:45 UTC
32411 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 04:55:45 UTC
43413 Event triggered at 2017 Sep 08 04:53:00 UTC

The last time this ever happened was back in December 2016

Sea Buoys being one of the Signs that the Throne of God (Nibiru) is close to Earth. The earth quaking and plates moving more causing distortion in the Sea and Seabed which will trigger Alarms.

Thursday 7 September 2017

'Panic buying' sparks gas shortages in Florida - and it's likely to get worse

Florida residents racing to get out of Hurricane Irma's destructive path have encountered a serious obstacle: gasoline shortages.

At least 40% of gas stations in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale region are without fuel, according to estimates from crowdsourcing platform GasBuddy.
About one-third of the gas stations in the West Palm Beach and the Fort Myers-Naples regions are in the same position. Central population centers like Tampa are also being affected, as well as the northern Gainesville region, GasBuddy numbers show.
The shortages have been sparked by a powerful one-two punch to the nation's energy infrastructure: huge demand from residents fleeing highly-populated regions and refinery disruptions caused by Hurricane Harvey.
"It's like the church on Easter Sunday getting a tornado warning," said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service.
Kloza predicted gas shortages will worsen in the coming days as Hurricane Irma -- a massive Category 5 storm -- as "panic buying" continues and gasoline deliveries are blocked by Florida port shutdowns.

Read more -

Wednesday 6 September 2017


Tropical Storm Katia formed early Wednesday morning (Sept. 6) in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Forecasters with the National Hurricane Center said the storm is expected to stay off the coast of Mexico through Friday morning.
As of 4 a.m., Tropical Storm Katia was 105 miles east of Tampico, Mexico, and was moving southeast at 2 mph. Forecasters said the storm is expected to turn southeast within 24 hours and continue moving in that direction through Thursday. Forecasters expect it to turn southwest on Friday and make landfall in Mexico over the weekend. (latest track)

Tuesday 5 September 2017


'If Jews are banned from Temple Mount during Muslim festival, why aren't Muslims banned during Jewish holiday?'

A group of Temple Mount activists have called on the government to close the Temple Mount to Muslims during the upcoming Sukkot festival, after Jews were barred from the site during a recent Muslim holiday.
The Students for the Temple Mount movement issued a statement Sunday, blasting the ban on Jewish visitation of the Temple Mount during the Eid al-Adha festival. Activists say no prior warning was given for the ban, and Jews seeking to ascend the Mount were simply denied access.
“It is outrageous for the authorities to close the Mount during every single Muslim holiday or festival,” the statement read. “As it is, the Mount is closed to Jews on Friday and Saturday, and even during the rest of the week it’s only open to Jews for four hours a day; now the police have decided to close the Mount on additional days whenever they want?”
“What was really disgusting about this whole situation is that the Israeli Police didn’t even bother to tell all of the people who wished to visit the Mount that it would be closed for the four days from Friday to Monday, so that people took the trouble to come to the entrance of the Mount, only to find it locked, with no note left by police at the gate. This is abuse for its own sake, intentionally hurting people who visit the Temple Mount and trampling their rights.”

Activists say that when they contacted the police department’s Temple Mount unit, they were told that the site was open to all visitors on Sunday – when it in fact was closed to non-Muslims. When activists called again later, the unit changed its response, acknowledging that non-Muslims would not be permitted to enter the site.

read more -


  I made a covenant with God. When the Inheritance is passed to Jesus (Revelation 5) and the Antichrist William was still not ready t...