Thursday 21 September 2017

NO RAPTURE ON 23RD SEPT...! Three Unfulfilled Factors

Many people are asking "Pastor is there a chance The Rapture could happen on 23rd"

My immediate answer is "NO" Its Impossible.

Surely Sept 23rd is a very prophetic day as it is the Fulfilment of Revelation 12, the Sign in the Heavens. The women clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet and crown of twelve stars. She is giving birth to the Man child (Jesus) who will rule all nations with a rod of Iron.

Through the New scripture of Revelation it is revealed to us that Jesus Christ was actually born on this date when he came first on Earth, as history is repeating but in the Heavens.

It is also the True Sabbath Day. Saturday 23rd Sept. Still held by true saints and Israel.
So there is three great Godly alignments on this day

But Rapture???
Nope, im sorry to break it to you, as i know many people are wanting the Rapture to happen right now because they are sick of this world and who blames them.



When the Throne of God (Nibiru) passes over Earth at the opening of the Sixth Seal it written
"the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the Moon became as Blood"

This is 100% Impossible during a New Moon as the Moon shines no light.
This is 100% Possible during a Full Moon as the Moon is full in its light.

The passing of the Throne therefore will be on a Full Moon as it was is the days of Jesus Crucifixion.
The Passover feastival is marked and begins on the Full Moon as are other feasts.
Sept 23rd is only a few days after the New Moon in fact will be the time that the first sliver of the Moon is seen to mark a New Month and also New Year.


When the Throne of God locks onto Earth it will cause a catastrophic Earthquake, flipping the Earth around.

Because of the Earth flipping around "The Sun will go down at Noon in Israel" just like in the days of Jesus where there was darkness over the land from the 6th hour until the 9th Hour.

An Earthquake so bad that the World Government hide in their "Dens in the rocks of the mountains". In the U.S they have been building huge in-rock underground cities for over 50 years. This is where they will survive, this is also in the scripture of Gods first throne passing.

So are the Earthquakes Higher than ever before?

No is the answer. I follow Earthquakes Daily and take my own records. The Earthquakes are stable and sitting Low at the moment. We have had a few big earthquakes in the last few days but the overall picture stays the same.

In the Graph you can see that on New Year 2016/17 the Earthquakes were at their highest reaching over 20+ "Red Alert" Earthquakes in the last 30 days period.
Earthquakes have fallen and stayed at a Low averaging around 9 for the last 6 months.
Now today 21st Sept 10pm UK time they have increased slightly to 13.

But still this is not even close to the Earthquake activity that would be experienced when Gods Throne gets real close to Earth.


The Throne of God Locking onto Earth happens at the opening of the Sixth Seal and between seal 6 (Rev 6) and Seal 7 (Rev 9) The Rapture happens (rev 7:9) and also the 144,000 saints that will serve God are chosen (rev 7:4)

But the first 5 Seals have not been opened yet.

1. Has the Antichrist been crowned and released?
No, but that could be any day
2. Have the world government tried to start world war 3 with Israel and dragging all other nations in?
No but that could happen any minute and nations are rising against all nations.
3. Has the stock market and money market collapsed? 
Nope, u surely would of noticed your bank machines out service.
4. Has the rider on the Pail Horse took down North America the fourth part of the Earth? 
Not yet, but as you can see right now it is on the cards.
5. The cry of the people upto God to come because the turmil is so bad? 
No, everyone is very settled in their way and happy lives, Its only after these seals start opening will the things above sink their lives and then Great depression but Great revival in the whole world will happen.

But if we do hear Trumpet sounds on this day, It means something else which i will explain what this means.

God Bless you all Amen

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