Tonight Friday the 27th July an Eclipse will occur. Media is reporting this will be the longest of a century 100 years. The Red (danger or warning) also will happen at the beginning of Gods Sabbath DAY. As the beginning of the 7th Day begins at Friday Sundown then to the Moon Will then be visible.
If you think these Eclipses are just a coincidence? think again!
In 2014 & 2015 the Tetrad of Blood Moons also occurred. Four Blood moon (Total Lunar Eclipses) happened in a row. Not one partial Eclipse in between them.
ALL the Blood Moons fell of Gods Feast times.. Because Gods feasts start on the Full Moons which is the 14th Day of that particular month on the Jewish calander system, which months begin on the New Moon.
God is reminding us to Keep the TRUE FEAST Days and Not get deceived by men.

This is also the same with the Sabbth Lords Day, Constantine change the rest day from business Saturday to Sunday.. The Pope, just a man then went and changed the Lord day to Sunday and said anyone that doesnt follow this shall be cut off from Jesus Christ.
This deception of men, through the Roman Empire is from the Devil and not from God.
The sun-day is reserved for the worship of the False Christ and to worship an image of him.
So who do u want to follow?
The will of God the Father that has not changed since the creation of the world?
Or a deceiving Holy day made by evil men, who hate Gods creation, Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, who are members of Babylon the Great whore?
These will be cut to pieces and assigned a place in the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone lest they repent.
Revelation 18:4-5
Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
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