I saw this Jig saw in a car-boot sale a few months back from now, and decided to buy it.
Soon as i saw it, i immediately thought of the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ...
It was a very tough jigsaw to complete with the hair parts of the Jigsaw looking the same. There were times when WE got stuck and had to give up. There were times when i just put the bit together just like that... There were times when we wouldn't even touch the puzzle for a days to a week.
A few weeks into the puzzle it dawned on me that Jesus Christ birthday was approaching.
Yes Im guessing you are thinking Christmas is so far away, but Christmas is defensively not Jesus real Birthday. `Christ-Mass was created by the Roman Pagan church, Babylon the Great whore, who created it out of nothing and forced the masses to go along with it, just like Sunday worship the fake Lords day.
Saturday being the true Lords day since the creation of the world.
Many true Christians know that Christmas is not Jesus birthday through the time of year in the scriptures, but the Book of Revelation "reveals the truth that was not previous known".
Revelation 12 Sign in the Heavens, Women giving birth to a Man Child, who will rule all nations with a rod of Iron.
In Revelation 12 a Birth happens.
This is the birth of the Second coming of Jesus Christ, that happens in the Heavens not on Earth (Jesus First coming).
The Women in the Heavens is the Constellation of Stars "Virgo" The Virgin. The Crown she has is Leo constellation plus 3 moving stars Mercury, Mars and Venus, (which come in to complete the Crown.
This ONLY happens on that day 2 Years ago from now September 23rd 2017. (I also have a possible revelation about the 2 years to share so keep watch for my next posts).

This day in the Jewish like calendar (which is determined by the Moon / Seasons) is Rosh Hashanah. See the first slither of light of a New Moon marks the beginning of the New Month.
Now in a Biblical Jewish calendar This is actually the 7 month of the Year.
The biblical year begins in spring and the Passover Feast begins on the First Month on the 14th day at Sundown, which also marked by the Full Moon.
Strangely enough this Rosh Hashanah is like a celebration of a New start to the Jewish people... Yet this is also the birthday of the Savior they rejected.
JUPITER THE KING PLANET... & Conjunction with New Moon.
Only a day after the Birthday is complete (3rd Oct) The New Moon slither of Light was seen right next to Jupiter in the Late Evening sky. Which is a nice touch.
I have also another Revelation on Jupiter (The King) and its position in the Heaven, Its very important and will post as soon as i can, This revelation will be complete before the month of October is finished.
In the Revelation 12 Sign in the Heavens, Jupiter is a Sign of the King (Jesus) the Man child that will "Rule all Nations with a rod of Iron" .
Jupiter comes into the Virgin Virgo exactly 9 months (Pregnancy period) before the Revelation 12 sign happens. (Sept 23rd 2017).
This means that the planet Jupiter which is also known as the King Planet is like a symbol in this story book in the sky. A representation for Jesus in the signs in the sky.
This then means things have already begun. That the birth of the Second coming is already underway.
where are we now? well like the First coming the Man child is out in the wilderness, Satan cant find or doesn't know about, not know where the child is except for the three wise men. I will explain in a post following shortly.
God also does not work out of order, remembering and Understanding these things is great for us to minister to others and also for our own understanding.
Rosh Hashanah being the start of the 7th Month of the Biblical Calendar means that on the 14th day of this month we have the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).
Its only by chance that the Jewish days of the month align with the Roman Gregorian days of the month. As stated before the Lords days, months and feast go by the Moon.
When Gods chosen people dwell in Tents to humble themselves in remembrance of when God brought them out from slavery of the Egyptians. They lived in the wilderness in tents for 40 years before God took them to the promises land, which Moses did not enter.
But surely in the End of the age, the Prophet that is coming in the power of God that was given to Moses, He will surely enter the City of Jerusalem. As it is written...
"And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified" ~ Rev 11:8
Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Please share with all your social media pages.
God Bless you all.
Love Pastor J
God Bless you all.
Love Pastor J
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