Monday 17 February 2020

The EVIL TRINITY Sealed with LIGHTNING, complete @SEAL ONE

There are Three beings that are the a main characters in the End of the Age.

The Dragon - Satan / Devil Incarnated,
The Beast - The Cloned False Chris / Antichrist
The False Prophet - Last Pope,  

These three characters have, or will all emerge from the Three main Babylonian cities that rule the Roman One world order.

Two Events have already happened in where the place of residence has been struck by lightning at specific times.

The First happened in 2011 around Easter time when Baraq o Bamah failed to recognise the notion around easter (Jesus crucifixion and Resurrection).

That is the Dragon sealed with lightning, physically
But in Fact Baraq o Bamah`s Hebrew name meaning 

"Lightning from the height"

and Jesus said "I beheld Satan fall as lightning from the heights"
But this is a separate profound prophecy, of Baraq o Bamahs Hebrew name.

Then just after the Former Pope Benedict resigned, a bolt of Lightning hit the Vatican steeple

This comes as the Last Pope Francis enters into power. The False Prophet of the trinity of the time of the end of the age.

So for this reason i see that when the False Christ comes into power i expect to see a Lightning strike to seal him also. When he does come out, it is when Seal One is opened. One of the first event of the end of the age.

As well as this prophecy of expecting a lightning strike there is also something in the scripture mentioning a "noise of thunder" which is an interesting coincidence right?

Revelation 6:1-2
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, "Come and see"

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow

and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Another astounding thing about these prophecies is that Prince William is actually second in line to the Throne of David that the Queen sits on. But i know what i believe in and these times, Charles wont have time to come as a King first.

HORUS the one eyed Antichrist to come, was born from the Virgin ISIS the false Goddess of Egyptian mythology, who is basically a Virgin Mary counterfeit. 

So when you see the Young Prince become King over the Older Prince Charles, Know Seal One is about to happen, and when you see this event is happening watch for this profound prophecy of the Antichrist also being sealed with Lightning, and this will complete the Evil Trinity being sealed with Lightning. 

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this Article or Watch this Video.
Please share it with your Family and Friends and your Social Media.

God Bless you,

Pastor J

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