Monday 21 December 2020

JUPITER (King) & SATURN = STAR OF BETHLEHEM ? Bringing Forward MANCHILD Heavenly Public?


Jupiter (King) and Saturn conjoining in the Heavens tomorrow, and some people are labelling this as The Christmas star or Star of Bethlehem.
Could this be a trigger sign?

In August i contended with the Devil face to face, as he seeked to end my life, because i am a threat to his New World Order he said. As i bugged out into the mountains, one thing i witnessed was him flying, as we were talking and walking further into the wilderness.

This means that the fight between Satan and his Angels and Michael and his Angels has not happened yet.

Revelation says that Satan and his Angels loose, and are thrown down to Earth, and they will be stuck on the earth (wingless, lost their Angelic powers)

In December Jupiter (king) came into the constellation Virgo (The Virgin) and remained in her for 9 months.

The Revelation 12 Sign was complete on Rosh Hashanah, Sept 23rd 2017. This being the Birth for the second coming.
Going further back in Rev 12, we can realise that Manchild (Jesus Christ) has not yet been brought forward yet. But the Manchild has not been brought forward yet so that is where we are.
The Manchild must be concealed like in the first coming in a manger in the Heavens also.

When this happens there will be Three celebrations, Two in Heaven and One in the Earth.
This star beng dubbed the Bethlehem star, might be the sign that the manchild is about to be revealed like the man child was revealed to the Three wise men, so lets keep watch.

When the manchild is brought forward he will will then be caught upto Gods throne as it states in both Rev 12...
and Rev 5 to take the deeds of the Earth, the Scroll with Seven Seals.

There is also a women on the Earth, that Satan goes to war with when he is cast down, this is Israel and the people. So will the Women on Earth do something that does bring forward the manchild?

like in Matthew Jesus says "Oh Jerusalem.... You will not see me again until you shall say Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord" ???

Just a thought.
God Bless u all, Pastor Prophet Justin from UK

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