Saturday 15 May 2021

ISRAEL (women) under ATTACK, Prophet Justin Also. PLEASE ISRAEL SAY "Blessed is HE...."


Israel Under attack right now.
Israel (women of rev 12) still yet to bring forward the Manchild.

I Know this because Satan still has his wings as per my August 2020 contending with with him.

This is because just like the First coming, the Manchild is hidden in a manger in the wilderness for 3.5 years.

In Sept 2017 the Women in the Heavens gave birth to the Manchild.

Notice how Satan "Baraq o Bamah" has been so quiet for that amount of time? That is he is still awaiting to find the Manchild in the Heavens because he has not been Revealed.

Not only is there a sign of a Women in the Heavens but also a Women on the Earth

This women flees into the wilderness for 3.5 years when the Abomination of Desolation is set up in the Holy Place.

Before the Women Israel can bring forward the a Manchild the Angel needs to cry from heaven.
"Who is worthy to take the book and to loose the seals thereof?"

But no man in heaven or earth or under the earth was found worthy to take the scroll and loose the seven seals there of. This is because he is still concealed in his Manger in Heaven.

I believe that The Women on the Earth will do something to bring forward the Manchild in the Heavens as the scripture says the Dragon persecutes the women which brought forward the Manchild.

I believe Israel will fulfil Jesus prophecy. The Prophecy Jesus made while being inside the city Walls and inside the City Jerusalem and standing on the Temple Mount, he said.

"Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem.... You shall not see me again until you shall say Blessed is He who Comes in the Name of the Lord"

I believe this Event will take place on the Lords Sabbath Holy Day Saturday, Just like he gave The Book of Revelation to John on the Lords day. 

I have also been under attack from Facebook trying to block out me sharing Bible prophecy. FB being the worst for this. By this though, and Israel being under attack, and my prophecy teachings have came to a near conclusion, makes me very passionate about this being a crucial time in the End of the Age. 

So Let us watch Israel closely and especially the Temple Mount.
Thanks for watching, Please share where ever u can,


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