Monday 31 August 2020

TRUMPET FIVE BIRTH PAIN.. Watch: Massive Yellowstone geyser erupts after 6 years

YELLOWSTONE – The Giantess Geyser in Yellowstone National Park erupted last week for the first time in more than six and a half years.
The geyser roared back to life on Tuesday, Aug. 25.

Revelation 9:1-12
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.

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Yah Bless you All,

TRUMPET ONE BIRTH PAINS: Asteroid ES4 Close Approach TODAY Where and When to L@@K

This Asteroid ES4 for some reason i put on my Calendar a while back, will make its closest Approach to Earth Tonight. Moving Quite Quickly across the Sky.

The Asteroid will only be above the Horizon (UK Time) After 3:30pm Where it will be close to the Constellation Ophiuchus (Golden Gate) Looking in a South East position towards the Horizon. But the Sun will still be up.

It will then start its very closest Approach to the Earth at 0.24 Million km away from Earth at around 7pm UK Time.. Still Looking in a South East direction. Look for Satan on the left, Jupiter on the right the Asteroid is set to be Just above and too the right of Jupiter.

The Asteroid shall then end its close approach to the Earth at 10pm UK Time
Look directly South at this point. And the Asteroid ES4 shall be directly to the left of Satan, in line with Jupiter also. 


Revelation 8:7
The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

Any Question Email me please

So just a heads up on this one.
Yah Bless and Please Share this Article with Your People.

Sunday 30 August 2020

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope maps the giant halo of gas enveloping our nearest galactic neighbour the Andromeda galaxy for the first time

  • Astronomers looked at the light from background quasars to study the halo
  • They found the halo stretches out 1.3 million light years towards the Milky Way
  • The halo includes heavy elements ejected by stars exploding in a supernova
A giant halo of gas that surrounds the Milky Way's closest galactic neighbour - the Andromeda galaxy - has been mapped by NASA's Hubble Telescope for the first time.
Astronomers from Yale University used instruments on Hubble to study the scale of the galactic shell and found it stretches 1.3 million light-years from Andromeda. 
As a result of the research, astronomers now believe Andromeda's halo of gas is 'bumping into' the gas halo that surrounds our own Milky Way galaxy. 

Saturday 29 August 2020

Hurricane Laura death toll climbs to 14 in Louisiana, US

Fourteen people are now confirmed dead in the United States after Hurricane Laura battered southern states.
Ten of the victims were in Louisiana and four in Texas.
Winds of up to 150mph (240km/h) caused severe damage, with power cuts to more than half a million homes and a chemical fire from an industrial plant.
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has asked the federal government for immediate financial assistance in dealing with the fallout.
President Donald Trump will travel to the two states on Saturday to meet with people affected by the hurricane, the White House said.
Laura has now been downgraded to tropical storm status, but heavy rain is still falling on several states.
In Haiti, which was earlier badly hit by storms Marco and Laura, at least 31 people are now reported to have died.

Friday 28 August 2020

Asteroid ES4, Closest Asteroid in decades on Sept 1st, Even closer than moon

AN ASTEROID bigger than a double-decker bus is set to come closer to Earth than the Moon is next week as NASA gears up to study the historic space rock.

The asteroid known as 2011 ES4 will shoot by Earth next week, and at 30 metres long, it is bigger than a double-decker bus. The space rock will come within just 0.3 lunar distance - with one lunar distance being the measurement between the Earth and the Moon - or 71,000 miles.

While that may seem like a sizeable distance, in astronomical terms it is a hair's width.
NASA also revealed it will be travelling at a staggering speed of 8.2 kilometres per second - or 29,500 kilometres per hour.
At this speed, it could travel around the Earth in an hour.
According to NASA, asteroid 2011 ES4 is a NEO (Near Earth Object), giving NASA the perfect opportunity to study the history of the solar system.

Intense heat to give way to much cooler temperatures

AFTER weeks of intense heat waves and sweltering temperatures in Spain, the atmosphere is set to change and give way this weekend to much cooler temperatures.
A Polar mass that is shifting north will see the humid autumn weather swiftly turn this weekend. Certain areas of the country could even see snow as well as rain.

This long-awaited drop in temperature is expected to start on Thursday and continue through into the weekend, when it’s full effect will be felt.
It is reported that temperatures on Saturday may even fall by 10-15 degrees in northern areas of the country. These areas are expected to see sudden changes with a large amount of rainfall.
Other areas are not expected to escape the sudden change and having an umbrella close to hand is recommended across Spain.

While low land areas should expect to see varying levels of rainfall, higher ground should expect to see their first snowfall of the year, specifically across the Cantabrian Mountains and the Pyrenees.

It will be a rapid and sudden change from the extreme temperatures that have graced Spain over the past month so best check you have something in addition to the shorts and sandals to wear.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Israel launches air strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon after shots were fired at its troops across the border


Israel said it has launched air strikes against Hezbollah posts in Lebanon
  • Comes after shots were fired from across the border towards its troops 
'I advise Hezbollah not to test Israel's crushing strength,' PM Netanyahu tweeted 

Israel said it had launched air strikes against Hezbollah observation posts in Lebanon on Wednesday, after shots were fired from across the border towards its troops the previous evening.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed the shooting on Shiite militant group Hezbollah with which Israel fought a devastating month-long war in 2006, and pledged a 'forceful' response to any further incidents.
'I advise Hezbollah not to test Israel's crushing strength,' he tweeted. 'Hezbollah is once again endangering the state of Lebanon due to its aggression.'

VIDEO: (MIKE 444) THIS IS IT one more week to prepare (BRACE YOURSELF)

Mike 444

Monday 24 August 2020


L,ets have a look at the Geological Birth Pains of the Throne of God Nibiru coming near.

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, La Palma Volcano Activity, Yellowstone state.

The MANCHILD CONCEALED in HEAVENLY HOUSE, until AFTER The ANGEL cries out "Who is Worthy to take Scroll with Seven Seals"

NEW Revelation, Man Chid Not REVEALED in the Heavens until AFTER the Angel cries out "Who is worthy to Take the Book and the open the Seals there of"

There was a scripture i could never understand even over 7.5 years of born again ministry, only revealed to me on Sabbath day 22nd August 2020.

So the Explanation is that Jesus, the Manchild, Remains concealed in a 
"Manger/House in the Heavens"

Enoch talks about Two houses in Heaven.
Revelation has Jesus in a house in Rev 1-3, then John goes through a different door in Heaven to another house, Gods Throne.

Jesus will remain in his House/Manger in the Heavens even until the very Time that the Angel cries out to the Heavens and Earth asking

"Who is worthy to take the book and to loose the Seals there of" 

The scripture says that "NO MAN in HEAVEN, nor on Earth, Neither under the Earth was found worthy"

Then for the Women, Israel will have to "bring forward" the Man Child, Jesus, by saying 

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord"

"BLESSED is he who comes is he name of the LORD" When the WOMEN (Israel) brings FORTH the MANCHILD.

Revelation 12:
Her child is caught up to the God`s Throne.

Revelation 5
and sits at Gods right hand and takes the Scroll with Seven Seals, then the End of the Age Events can begin.

Heavens celebrate, and the Third celebration is an Earthly Celebration. 

Revelation 5:13
"All the creatures in the Heavens, on Earth, Under Earth and such that are in the Sea, all singing,
"Blessing and Honour and Glory and Power be unto him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb, forever and ever"

When Jesus takes the scroll with 7 seals.
All the Creatures in the Air, Earth, Under Earth & Sea start singing together.

Just like at the First Coming Herod tried to Kill Jesus, years after he was born he still didnt know where Jesus was.

In this Second coming Satan himself will be in the Heavens looking to stop the Manchild Jesus Christ getting to Gods Throne in Heaven, to take the scroll with Seven Seals, which is the deeds of the Earth.

The Dragon stood before The Women to Devour Her Child as soon as it was born.

A battle will take place between Satan and Michael in which Satan and His Angels will be cast down to be stuck on the Earth, loosing their wings. 

SATAN & his ANGELS cast Down into.
ARMY of Celebrity (HUMAN) "CLONES".


I know this has not happened yet, as I encountered Satan for 7 days in August 2020. Part of that encounter i heard and felt him as an Angel flying as i fled into the wilderness.

My Encounter with Satan in August 2020. He came to take my life because iI AM a threat to his Kingdom and New World Order

So expect to hear the Call of Angel asking who is worthy, On the Sabbath Day, followed by the Man child being revealed in Heaven, 

Remember the True Sabbath day (Saturday) and experience this MIRACLUOUS Event to come. The Man child caught up to Gods throne (Revelation 5 & 12)
Thank you for taking the time to Read this Article and or Listen to this Video Sermon. 
Please Share this Video with you Family and Friends, and all Social Media, for the time is near.

The MANCHILD CONCEALED in HEAVENLY HOUSE, until AFTER The ANGEL cries out "Who is Worthy to take Scroll with Seven Seals"

VIDEO: The Manchild is not Brought forward into Public view in the Heavens until the Angels cries out: "who is worthy...."

There was a scripture i could never understand even over 7.5 years of born again ministry, only revealed to me on Sabbath day 22nd August 2020.

So the Explanation is that Jesus, the Manchild, Remains concealed in a 
"Manger/House in the Heavens"

Enoch talks about Two houses in Heaven.
Revelation has Jesus in a house in Rev 1-3, then John goes through a different door in Heaven to another house, Gods Throne.

Jesus will remain in his House/Manger in the Heavens even until the very Time that the Angel cries out to the Heavens and Earth asking

"Who is worthy to take the book and to loose the Seals there of" 

The scripture says that "NO MAN in HEAVEN, nor on Earth, Neither under the Earth was found worthy"

Then for the Women, Israel will have to "bring forward" the Man Child, Jesus, by saying 

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord"

"BLESSED is he who comes is he name of the LORD" When the WOMEN (Israel) brings FORTH the MANCHILD.

Revelation 12:
Her child is caught up to the God`s Throne.

Revelation 5
and sits at Gods right hand and takes the Scroll with Seven Seals, then the End of the Age Events can begin.

Heavens celebrate, and the Third celebration is an Earthly Celebration. 

"All the creatures in the Heavens, on Earth, Under Earth and such that are in the Sea, all singing,
"Blessing and Honour and Glory and Power be unto him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb, forever and ever"
~ Revelation 5:13

When Jesus takes the scroll with 7 seals.
All the Creatures in the Air, Earth, Under Earth & Sea start singing together.

Just like at the First Coming Herod tried to Kill Jesus, years after he was born he still didnt know where Jesus was.

In this Second coming Satan himself will be in the Heavens looking to stop the Manchild Jesus Christ getting to Gods Throne in Heaven, to take the scroll with Seven Seals, which is the deeds of the Earth.

The Dragon stood before The Women to Devour Her Child as soon as it was born.

A battle will take place between Satan and Michael in which Satan and His Angels will be cast down to be stuck on the Earth, loosing their wings. 

SATAN & his ANGELS cast Down into.
ARMY of Celebrity (HUMAN) "CLONES".


I know this has not happened yet, as I encountered Satan for 7 days in August 2020. Part of that encounter i heard and felt him as an Angel flying as i fled into the wilderness.

My Encounter with Satan in August 2020. He came to take my life because iI AM a threat to his Kingdom and New World Order

So expect to hear the Call of Angel asking who is worthy, On the Sabbath Day, followed by the Man child being revealed in Heaven, 

Remember the True Sabbath day (Saturday) and experience this MIRACLUOUS Event to come. The Man child caught up to Gods throne (Revelation 5 & 12)
Thank you for taking the time to Read this Article and or Listen to this Video Sermon. 
Please Share this Video with you Family and Friends, and all Social Media, for the time is near.


  I made a covenant with God. When the Inheritance is passed to Jesus (Revelation 5) and the Antichrist William was still not ready t...