Monday 24 August 2020

The MANCHILD CONCEALED in HEAVENLY HOUSE, until AFTER The ANGEL cries out "Who is Worthy to take Scroll with Seven Seals"

NEW Revelation, Man Chid Not REVEALED in the Heavens until AFTER the Angel cries out "Who is worthy to Take the Book and the open the Seals there of"

There was a scripture i could never understand even over 7.5 years of born again ministry, only revealed to me on Sabbath day 22nd August 2020.

So the Explanation is that Jesus, the Manchild, Remains concealed in a 
"Manger/House in the Heavens"

Enoch talks about Two houses in Heaven.
Revelation has Jesus in a house in Rev 1-3, then John goes through a different door in Heaven to another house, Gods Throne.

Jesus will remain in his House/Manger in the Heavens even until the very Time that the Angel cries out to the Heavens and Earth asking

"Who is worthy to take the book and to loose the Seals there of" 

The scripture says that "NO MAN in HEAVEN, nor on Earth, Neither under the Earth was found worthy"

Then for the Women, Israel will have to "bring forward" the Man Child, Jesus, by saying 

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord"

"BLESSED is he who comes is he name of the LORD" When the WOMEN (Israel) brings FORTH the MANCHILD.

Revelation 12:
Her child is caught up to the God`s Throne.

Revelation 5
and sits at Gods right hand and takes the Scroll with Seven Seals, then the End of the Age Events can begin.

Heavens celebrate, and the Third celebration is an Earthly Celebration. 

Revelation 5:13
"All the creatures in the Heavens, on Earth, Under Earth and such that are in the Sea, all singing,
"Blessing and Honour and Glory and Power be unto him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb, forever and ever"

When Jesus takes the scroll with 7 seals.
All the Creatures in the Air, Earth, Under Earth & Sea start singing together.

Just like at the First Coming Herod tried to Kill Jesus, years after he was born he still didnt know where Jesus was.

In this Second coming Satan himself will be in the Heavens looking to stop the Manchild Jesus Christ getting to Gods Throne in Heaven, to take the scroll with Seven Seals, which is the deeds of the Earth.

The Dragon stood before The Women to Devour Her Child as soon as it was born.

A battle will take place between Satan and Michael in which Satan and His Angels will be cast down to be stuck on the Earth, loosing their wings. 

SATAN & his ANGELS cast Down into.
ARMY of Celebrity (HUMAN) "CLONES".


I know this has not happened yet, as I encountered Satan for 7 days in August 2020. Part of that encounter i heard and felt him as an Angel flying as i fled into the wilderness.

My Encounter with Satan in August 2020. He came to take my life because iI AM a threat to his Kingdom and New World Order

So expect to hear the Call of Angel asking who is worthy, On the Sabbath Day, followed by the Man child being revealed in Heaven, 

Remember the True Sabbath day (Saturday) and experience this MIRACLUOUS Event to come. The Man child caught up to Gods throne (Revelation 5 & 12)
Thank you for taking the time to Read this Article and or Listen to this Video Sermon. 
Please Share this Video with you Family and Friends, and all Social Media, for the time is near.

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