Monday 24 August 2020

NEW REVELATION: The MANCHILD Revealed AFTER The ANGEL cries out "Who is Worthy to take Scroll.

NEW REVELATION: The Manchild is not Brought forward into Public view in the Heavens until the Angels cries out: 

"Whos is worthy to take the book and to loose the Seals there of" 

because there was a scripture i cud never understand even over 7.5 years of ministry, only revealed to me on Sabbath day 22nd August..

How is that even possible when we know the Women in the Heavens gives birth, She bring forward a Manchild in the Heavens, 

Her child is caught up to the Throne to the right hand of God to take the Scroll with Seven Seals.

The scripture says that "NO MAN in HEAVEN, nor on Earth, Neither under the Earth was found worthy"

He was only contending with me Two Weekends ago in which i seen/heard him flying... 

We established in the Last Prophecy Video That the Man child cant have been revealed in the Heavens,

the battle between Satan and Michael hasnt happened yet in which Satan is cast down to be stuck on the Earth, loosing his wings. 

So expect to hear the Call of Angel asking who is worthy, followed by the Man child being revealed in Heaven, 

then Satan will fly up to try and Kill him, 

but be stopped by Michael who will throw him down to Earth, 

as "Baraq o Bamah" = "Lighting from the Height" ~ Luke 10:18. 

So the Two Year Old Manchild is not yet revealed yet. 

and becomes 3 years Old on Rosh Hashanah 2020 (Sept 18th).

The the Man child is caught up to the Throne of God, 

and sits at Gods right hand and takes the Scroll with Seven Seals, then the End of the Age Events can begin.

Also the Heavens celebrate, and the Third celebration is Earthly. 

"All the creatures in the Heavens, on Earth, Under Earth and such that are in the Sea, all singing, Blessing and Honour and Glory and Power be unto him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb, forever and ever"

Thanks fortaking the time to Read this Article and or Listen to this Video Sermon. Please Shre this Video with you Family and Friends, and all SOcial Media, for the time is near.

Yah Bless you all. Love Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts from UK

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