Friday 23 September 2022

Happy 5th Birthday, JESUS CHRIST (Sept 25-28th) Rosh Hashanah, Second Coming Revelation 12 Manchild.

Jesus Christ true Birthday coming up .

According to the Revelation 12 sign in the Heavens it occurs on Rosh Hashanah of the Hebrew Calendar.

Revelation 12:1-2
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

This is a man made up Holiday of the Jews though a fake, Second, New Year if you like, How Ironic?

Happy Birthday Jesus (Rosh Hashanah)

The Revelation 12 sign tells us that the Birth Manchild falls on Rosh Hashanah and the first sliver of the New Moon, which also begins a New Hebrew Month.

The Revelation sign was fulfilled in 2017 and so this Year will be the 5th Year since.

Satan "Baraq o Bamah" left office when the Sign in the Heavens the women Virgo become pregnant with the star Jupiter (king) which represented Jesus in this sign.

Jupiter (The King) Impregnates The Virgin (Virgo) in the Heaven, December 2016

And Satan is still in the heavens, and not thrown down yet.
Satan and His Angels still in Heaven "I SEEN him FLYING"(August 2020)

The Manchild is not caught to the throne yet.

The Manchild Jesus is still concealed away from the Dragon, and so that "no man in Heaven, on Earth, Under the Erath was found worthy"

The MANCHILD CONCEALED in HEAVENLY HOUSE, until AFTER The ANGEL cries out "Who is Worthy to take Scroll with Seven Seals"

Israel has not said "bless in he that comes in the name of the lord" yet.

Because Revelation 5 has not happen yet,

when the angel will ask the Heavens, Earth and Under Earth "who is worthy to take the book and to loose seals ther of.. "

So Keep an Ear out on the True Sabbath, (Saturday, Friday - Saturday Sundown) for this Beginning event to begin.

Remember the True Sabbath day (Saturday) and experience this MIRACLUOUS Event to come. The Man child caught up to Gods throne (Revelation 5 & 12)

Listening out also so that we may possibly hear the Two celebrations in the Heavens.

REVELATION 4 & 5 Heavenly Throne. Jesus takes scroll with 7 Seals. 3 celebrations

The Third Celebration sshall be on the Earth and everyone that is awake and listening and close to animals at this time should here this, even so all across all the Animals shall going into song all at the same time. 

When Jesus takes the scroll with 7 seals.
All the Creatures in the Air, Earth, Under Earth & Sea start singing together.

Thanks for watching. God Bess you all, Amen Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts

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