Wednesday 14 September 2022


So with the Queen dead we are one step closer away from bible prophecy to be fulfilled and The End of the Age to begin.

When the Young Prince, The Cloned Antichrist William is crowned King,

Yes i know you might say Charles has become the new kingThis is not the Throne of David, neither has he received the Crown nor the Scepter.

and sits on that Throne of King David, in the House of Lords, In London...

Where is the Throne of King David

Next to sit on the Throne of David

This is SEAL ONE...Then the End of the Age Events have begun...

The Throne of King David from Israel. On it is the Lions of Judah and the Harps of King David.

Seal One - Antichrist is crowned and released, sits on the Throne of David

the evil trinity sealed with lightning. baraq o bamah, last pope francis, prince king william. dragon, antichrist, false prophet, lightning strike Buckingham palace Justin roberts end of the age bible prophecy


We then have a Month or so until the Throne of God Nibiru coming down from Heaven to Passover of Earth,

30-40 days from Seal One until Seal Six the Throne of God Nibiru hits.

at the Seal Six.

Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.

God will interrupt the War before in goes Nuclear later on at Trumpet 6.

God will elect his chosen 144,000 saints who will Exodus to the mountains, to sustain their lives that they will serve God through the Tribulation.

The 144,000 Tribulation Saints, God`s has Elected Chosen to go through and preach in the Great Tribulation.

God shall save a Great Multitude up to his Heavenly Throne and they shall be with God forever...

All the Young under the age of accountability (bar mitzva) and all them that repent of their sins and ask God for forgiveness.

FIRST Rapture. WHO Goes? ALL Children under the Age of Maturity Not Accountable for sin, ALL Caught Up to Gods Throne at Seal Six.

So Study now and know the Seven Seals off by heart... and so when you ALL shall see these things taken place you will know the Throne of God is Near. And before the Throne of God Nibiru hits on the Full Moon you be able to warn everyone else.

Then come the Seven Trumpet judgements of God.
The Seven Trumpet judgements, FULL Explanation


Keep an Ear out for the very beginning event though.

When a Strong angels calls out
"Who is worthy to take the scroll with seven seals"
(deeds of the earth) - Revelation 5

If God`s Trumpet Sounds on Sunday, "I Will Repent". but When God`s Angels Sounds on Saturday, will u Repent???

No man in Heaven, on earth, or under the earth was found worthy,

this is because Jesus is still in his "manger" house in the heavens (rev1-3) since he was born in Rosh Hashanah 2017 (sept 23rd) - Revelation 12

The MANCHILD CONCEALED in HEAVENLY HOUSE, until AFTER The ANGEL cries out "Who is Worthy to take Scroll with Seven Seals"

Then The Women on Earth, Israel will have to fulfil the prophecy and say "Blessed is he who come sin the name of the Lord"

Watch Israel, the Women that Brings Forth the Man Child...

"BLESSED is he who comes is he name of the LORD" When the WOMEN (Israel) brings FORTH the MANCHILD.

And then the Manchild Jesus Christ will ascend to Gods Throne in Heaven to take the scroll with Seven Seals and sit at Gods right side.

This Event is also spoken about in Revelation 12.

Because there are two timelines of sequence of events in Revelation.

Man Child is caught up to the Throne in Revelation 5 & 12.
TWO Sequence of Events in Revelations,

Then there are two celebrations in heavens.1. The 24 Elders and the 4 Beast worship and sing a song.2. All the Angels gather around the throne and elders and beasts and worship and sing a song.

REVELATION 4 & 5 Heavenly Throne. Jesus takes scroll with 7 Seals. 3 celebrations

3. All the creatures in Heaven, One Earth, Under the Earth, and b the Sea all worship and sing a song.

When Jesus takes the scroll with 7 seals.
All the Creatures in the Air, Earth, Under Earth & Sea start singing together.

This is when Michael and his Angels go to war with Satan and his Angels for trying to devour that Manchild and stop him coming to the throne. But the Dragon and his angels are thrown down to earth, into there cloned human vehicles.

Satan is Thrown down to Earth as "Baraq o Bamah" - Mr "Lightning from the Heights"

ARMY of Celebrity (HUMAN) "CLONES", SATAN & his ANGELS cast Down into.

Satan then goes to war with that women (Israel) that brought forward the Manchild Jesus Christ.

Satan goes off to persecute the true believers that: 1. Keep the Commandments of God.2. And have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Keep the Commandments of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ.

TRUE Judeo Christianity vs Fake Babylonian Christianity

Thanks for watching God Bless you all. Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts

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