Tuesday 20 September 2022

ONE of the TWO WITNESSES EXPOSED: 38 Years Old - JASON (USA) "The Healer", "MOSES & ELIJAH", "Vesta & Ceres", 11th & 19th Aug. (3+8=Rev 11)

38 Years Old - JASON "The Healer", "Moses & Elijah", "Vesta & Ceres", 11th & 19th Aug. (3+8=Rev 11) The Two Witnesses. -
In 2014 "Vesta" and "Ceres", which are very rogue planets, had come together and were making their way through the Virgin women in the Heavens constellation.
As the star "Ceres" was being birth from the Virgin in the Sky, It exited Virgo on 19th August.

And then God led me to this dude who`s exact Birthday was August 19th 1984 also.
His name Jason Egroff (USA)... which means "The healer".I prayed about this and come to realise that Elijah healed the dead.

1 Kings 17: 21-22
Then he stretched himself out over the child three times and cried out to the LORD, “O LORD my God, please let this boy’s life return to him!”
And the LORD listened to the voice of Elijah, and the child’s life returned to him, and he lived

God was saying just like Elijah healed the dead so to Elijah who is coming in the end of the age is also named, Jason... which means "The healer".
This is the Guy that is coming in the End of the Age with the Power of God (Candlestick) that was given to Elijah. He is 38 this year. 3+8 = 11..

Revelation 11 is the Chapter of the Temple being finished, the City Jerusalem being destroy, and also the revealing of the Two Witnesses.

The Two Witnesses / Prophets
What about the other star, Vesta?

"Vesta" born from the virgin in the sky on the 11th August on that 2014 event.
So this Moses figure of the Two Witnesses was born August 11th 1984. and also 38 Years old this year.

2014 - Vesta birth from the virgin Virgo.. 11th august and Ceres on 19th Augusthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zisuws7BXtE
Now God has to prove them.
In Revelation 10 it says "You must prophecy again before many Kings, Tongues, Peoples and Nations."

This suggests that these Two Witnesses or one of them at least, comes prior to their last 3.5 year prophecy, before the Throne of God Nibiru hits for the Second and Last Time.

So they could come to Prophecy before then, on the run up to the First Passing of the Throne Nibiru, at Seal Six-Seven, Pre-Trumpet

They Prophecy for the last 3.5 Years (1260 days)
So Keep watch. This felt like one of the hardest Videos for me to publish, but also feel we are low on time left so im just releasing it anyway.
The video was made 25th August. Thanks for watching God Bless you all, Amen. Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts

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